Ch. 2 meeting them

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I'm waken up one of the staff. She's shaking me lightly. I open my green/blue eyes slightly and look at her through my lashes.

"Jaclyn time to get up! You need to be interviewed." She says with a sweet but stern voice. "Uggghhh there already here. Guess you just have to go down sleeping and in your pajamas." She adds before picking me up gently and bringing me down the stairs.

"I know that you said you wanted someone 4 or 5, but I think Jaclyn is who your describing perfectly." I hear the staff say while I'm still sleeping. I open my eyes a little to see a guy with brown-blond hair and green eyes standing there. He waves and I smile. She puts me down and I walk into the interview room with him.

"Hi Jaclyn my name is Connor." He smiles widely and I smile making sure to show off my dimples.

"So is it ok if I ask you a few question?" He asks and I nod.

C: favorite color

J: blue or pink

C: favorite thing to do

J: play with my dolly

C: favorite tv show

J: wow wow Wubzy or Barney (AN: I literally just went to the kids channel and www the first show)

C: age

J: tree

C: favorite animal

J: unicorn

"Ok that's all." He says with a little laugh. He lets me out and I go over to the living room. The 4 kids in the room including me waited until 20 minutes later. Mrs. Sister walked out and looked at me.

"Jaclyn come with me." She says and I jump off the block I was sitting on and go over to her. She leads me back to Connor and I look at him then her and repeat my actions. Connor kneels down to my hight then smiles.

"How would you like to be adopted?" He says and pokes my tummy making me laugh. I smile then hug him. I look at mrs. Sister who tells me to go upstairs and pack. I obey and sprint up the stairs. I can't believe I'm being adopted. This can't be happening. I pack my Dolly's and stuffed animals then all my clothes. I don't want to stuff my dolly Samantha in so I just carry her. I don't change out of my pajamas. There too comfortable.

I wobble down the stairs holding all my stuff Connor sees me struggling and runs over. He puts my luggage around his Shoulder then picks me up supporting me on his hip.

"Ready to go?" He asks and I nod.

He puts me in a car seat in the back then starts the car. He looks back at me and smiles. I look out the window and watch as we drive through the streets. I haven't been in a car in a while. It's really cool driving through the town.

We pull into a driveway to a big house. Not as big as the orphanage but not by much of a difference. Connor gets out of the car then comes to get me. He unstraps me then picks me up I grab my doll quickly then he takes my bag out the trunk. We walk through the gate and he unlocks the door. Infront of us stood a large staircase leading to upstairs, then there was a hallway leading to the kitchen, and a living room. We walked into the living room and a lot of boys I couldn't even count them were sitting on the couch. One notices and runs over to me. I look at Connor quickly then back to the guy.

"Hi I'm kian!" He says excited holding out his hand. By now all the other guys were around too.

I take my hand and shake his three fingers because I couldn't fit the others in my hand. I shake everyone else's hand then connor takes me upstairs. We walk into a pink room with polka dots, a table with crayons in it, toys and A BIG GIRL BED. I hug his neck because he was holding me and it was the first thing I could get to. He chuckles a little then puts me down on the bed. He puts my bag next to me then starts folding things and putting them in my dresser. YES! No closet. I hate closets. I take my dolly and bring her over near the other toys. I start playing then Connor says my name I look around and stand up.

"Yes daddy?" I ask and he smiles wider.

"What do you want for dinner? You pick." He says walking over to me and picking me up.

"CARROTS!" I yell in his ear and he flinches then laughs.

"All right little bunny lets go downstairs." He stays but I stop him.

"WAIT!" I yell then jump out of his arms. I grab my doll then hold my arms up for him to hold me. He picks me up and we go downstairs.

"Do you want anything else with the carrots?" Daddy asks putting me down on a stool near the island. He pills out a pizza box and I shake my head no. We continue doing that until daddy sighs then picks me up. He goes over to the guys and they all look up at us.

"Daddy I want carrots." I say and he puts me down.

"I put them on the island for you." He says and I run over. I hear they're conversation and decide to eavesdrop.

"Daddy?" Someone said.

"Yeah. Isn't it adorable" I heard daddy say. They all chuckle and I come back in.

"You guys wanna go to chipotle?" I think Sam asks and everyone heads to the car. Daddy picks me up and brings me out. He puts me in my car seat and were off. Kian sits next to me and keeps eying my carrots.

"Can I have one?" He pours and I smile and shake my head. He looks down then his hand quickly steals one of my carrots and I gasp. He puts it in his mouth before I can get it.

"Give it back." I laugh and he's goes to spit it out but I put my arms out for him to stop. He does and we just stay quiet till we get to the place.

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