Ch. 29

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Dad was in Vegas for a Miranda sings show and he said that he was on his way, but it's five hours from here. Me and Ty were sitting in the floor when he started talking.

"I have to go home and film a video. You have to come so c'mon guuurrrrrlllll!" He says and I laugh and get up. I always thought that dad and tyler would be a good couple but dad is in a relationship with Troye. Troye even let's me call him daddy. So I have a dad and a daddy.

We get in Ty's car and head off to his house.

"Btw, grace, Mamrie and Troye are there right now." He says and I nod excited to see them. I look down at my phone and start crying with happiness at what I see.

"TYLER YOU NEED TO GO TO SUNSHINE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW!" I say happy. He gives me a weird look then turns back to the road.


"BECAUSE ANDREA AND KIAN ARE HAVING THERE BABY!" I scream and he swerves off to the exit.

I go up to the desk and tap on it trying to get the lady's attention. She looks up and smiles.

"I'm here to see Andrea Lawley." I say and she nods.

"She just and her baby-" she starts but I cut her off.

"Is it a girl?" I ask frantically walking next to her and tyler as she leads us to the room.

"You'll just have to wait and see." She smiles and I excitedly squeal.

When we get to the room. They're toddler max runs up to me and I hug him tightly.

"Hey bro! How you doing?" I ask as we fist bump. He giggles and I pick him up and walk towards Andrea. Around her I see everybody. Ricky, sam, jc, trevor, the only one missing was dad.

"Jackie. Your dads on his way. I'll see you tomorrow." Tyler says hugging me. I hug back and he leaves. Out of all o2ls children I was the oldest and the only one aloud to hold the babies when their born.

"Jackie! Come here! come here!" Andrea squeals and I hand max to kian and walk over slowly.

"This is Mary." Andrea says and my smile goes even wider if that's even possible. She hands her over to me and I hold her in my arms.

"Oh my god she's precious." I whisper and Andrea smiles.

"Here let me get a picture to send to your dad." Kian says snapping pictures of me and Mary. I look down and see Marry's little eyes flick open. I gasp and look at her chocolate brown eyes.

"No way!" Kian says and I turn to him confused.

"What?" I ask and he smiles towards andrea. She returns if then they turn to me.

"Jaclyn you are the first person Mary's ever looked at." Andrea says and my face lights up.

"Eeeeeeeepppppppp" I say and everyone laughs.

"All the kids gather round were getting a picture!" Ricky yells and all the kids go to the couch.

Ricky and his wife Merin have a son named Ryan who is 5. He's the oldest besides me.

Sam has one daughter but is expecting another one with his wife Jane.
Kayden who is 3

Jc has twin boys with his wife Lia.
Ashton and Luke (only names I could think of #5sos)

Trevor is getting married to his fiancé Victoria.

We all sit on the couch and the kids huddle around me. Kayden hugs me from behind, latching onto my neck, while the twins sat to my right and Ryan sat to my left. We smiled and then someone photo bombed.

"DAD!" I say happily in a screaming whisper so I don't upset Mary.

"Is this the new addition to the o2l fam?" He asks and I nod giving her to him.

"Jaclyn was the first person Mary looked at." Andrea smiles and i smile too.

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