Ch. 9 Thanksgivin

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We're sitting at the dinner table and daddy is cutting my turkey for me.

"Da da can you cut my corn?" I ask and he nods.

I munch away then take out the iPad.

"Jaclyn no vlogging at the dinner table." Daddy says sternly and I giggle biting my lower lip trying to control my laughs.

"Jaclyn you can vlog l. It's our dinner table not daddy's." Gramps laughs and I start the camera on the iPad.

"Look who's here! Daddy!" I scream turning the camera to him. He smiles then laughs.

I hop off the chair and run over to the living room.

"PRI!" I scream running over and petting him.

"Jaclyn get back at the table now." I hear daddy say so I run back to the table.

"You don't run away from the table sit!" He says so I sit.

"But daddy in not hungry." I say and start to stand up but he puts his hand on my knee and gives me the look. I sigh and sit back in the chair.

"Give me the iPad." He says so I hand it over. I slouch and pick at my corn. Connor looks at me so I eat my food.

"How about desert?" Gram asks and my face lights up.

"YEA!" Me and Brandon scream. Eventually all the desert is lined up on the table.

"Da da!" I say pointing to one thing in particular.

"I know I know" he says cutting me a piece of chocolate cake. I eat it quickly then look over at daddy who's drinking coffee. I giggle and he can tell why I'm giggling so he picks me up and puts me on his lap.

"Funny face" he says pulling up his camera. I put up a peace sign then do a demented duck face while daddy does the same.

"So connor when are you going back on tour?" Nicola asks and I look at daddy for an answer.

"Umm. Actually I wanted to talk about that. I was thinking that maybe I should stay here with you guys for the rest if the time." He scratches his neck and I look at him confused.

"I'm not gonna go back ok tour and spend December with you." He smiles and I hug him.

I have my daddy back

"Daddy? Can I go pway wit PRI now?" I ask and he nods.

I run towards PRI and put him on my lap. I pet her and play around with her hair until connor comes in.

"Jaclyn honey? Time to get ready for bed ok Hun?" He asks and I nod. He comes over and picks me up. He brings me into his room and gets my pjs and a towel. He brings me over to the bathroom then fills up the bathtub.

We play duckies, then he takes me out and braids my hair for bed. He lays me down on the bed then pulls the covers over me.

"Go to bed alright Hun?" He says and I nod.

"I wuv you" I say and he smiles.

"Love you too." He replies before walking out the room.

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