Ch. 25 First day of school at 13?

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(Jaclyns Pov)
January 6th

"Jack wake up" Dad says lightly shaking me. Oh yeah I forgot I can't wake up whenever I want and do school in my pjs anymore :(

"I'm up." I mumble into the pillow.

"No your not." He says and I look up at him.

"But it's still dark out and your supposed to sleep when it's dark." I say and he sighs.

"Get up!" He says and starts playfully hitting me with a pillow. I don't react then feel a cold liquid on my face.

"AHHHHHH OK OK IM UP!" I scream trying to wipe the water off my face. I glare at him and he smiles.

"Ok now go take a shower." He says throwing the pillow at me and walking out.

I get up and look at the time.

5:00 am?

I grab a towel and walk into the bathroom. I take a shower then dry off and start my hair. I French braid the front and leave the rest down and straiten it. Then I put on some eyeliner, mascara, and some lipgloss and go into my room.

I pick out a white shirt, some comfy but cute gray paints, and a gray cardigan to go over the white shirt. Then I put on a couple bracelets, rings and a necklace (outfit on the side) and head towards the kitchen.

"Hola father" I say and sit on the counter.

"Hola child and here." He says handing me a bowl of lucky charms. I get them down in one bite (not really). I grab my backpack then get in the car with dad.

"I'm nervous." I say looking out the window.

"Don't be. Everyone will love you." He says focusing on the road and I smile. Even though LA is generally hot I'm kinda cold today.

We get to a stop and i hesitantly grab the handle.

"Bye dad." I say then close the door.

"Bye Jack" he says then drives away.

I look at my phone and see its 7:15. I walk though the schools doors and go to the office.

"Um excuse me. I'm new and I don't know where to go." I say and the lady smiles.

"What's your name?" She says typing something in her computer.

"Jack- uh jaclyn Franta." I smile and she gives me a confused but amused look.

"You don't seem so sure." She laughs and I smile awkwardly.

"Well I don't know what name my dad registered my as." I say and she nods.

"Here you are. I'll print out your schedule." She says then gets up and walks to the printer. I can feel my body shaking with fear.

She comes back, gives me my schedule then sends me off. I go to my Locker and put the books I won't need yet then keep the rest in my backpack. I look at my schedule and walk through the now full halls.

A few people snicker as I walk passed but Tyler and trevor gave me some very good advice. To just slay them all.

"Um hi. My names April and I'll be your friend if you give me a ticket to Vidcon!" She squeals and I look at her like she's insane.

"Your joking right?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"No thanks I'm good." I say then continue walking. She starts talking about me but I just shake it off. Shake it off. Wow that was sooooo 9 years ago.

I walk into my first period class and look around. I notice the teacher and walk up to her.

"Just go sit in the back." She says before I say anything. I nod even though she's looking at her paper and paying no attention to me. I walk in the back then the bell rings.

"Ok lots of people missing I don't like that." She says annoyingly and starts calling out names.

"Jaclyn franta?" She says and I look at her. "Hmm. That's funny. I just saw a movie and you have the same last name as the person starting in it." She adds. Yes connor just starred in a hit movie and I always get attention from it.

"That's her dad!" Someone screams and I hear people start chatting about me. My breath becomes unmanageable and everything feels in slow motion. I can't my breath and look down trying to zone everything out. But then I hear my voice. I look up and see one of my videos projecting on the board. Everyone starts laughing at me and I slouch back in my chair praying that a zombie apocalypse or tornado happens taking the attention off of me. I just sat there and that's what I did the whole period because I guess that the teacher thought that embarrassing me would be better than actually teaching.

The rest of the day we learned except for last period where we did the exact same thing as first.

Throughout the day people called me the "Internet girl" and made fun of my videos. They would also make rude remarks about my dad calling him a "fag" and other rude things. I didn't even think about what tyler and trevor said anymore. I just felt so weak.

When I got home I didn't say anything to dad. I just stayed quiet.

The same thing happened everyday till it got to the end of the week.

Friday was the worst day by far. They came up with more names for me. They called me the "cancer freak" and called me fat, ugly and many more. Before I walked home a group of girls called out at me.

"Hey internet freak. Have fun with you fag as a dad over the weekend." That one made me burst out in tears in the middle of the schools walkway. Everyone laughed and I started running away.

"HEY FATTY DONT PULL A MUSCLE RUNNING!" A group of guys called out. When I got home I ran it and slid down the door crying into my knees. Connor was away for the weekend so I suspected I was home alone.

"Jack?" I hear someone ask and I look up.

"Trevor" I say then hug him. I cry into his shoulder while he rubs my back.

"What happened?" He asks and I tell him everything. By the end we were both in tears and spent the rest of the night watching YouTube videos.

Apparently connor called him to watch me over the weekend

Can you say best baby sitter ever?

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