Ch. 6 Sleepless Nights and Head Bumps

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It's night time now and we just got back from dinner. Connor changes me into my pjs and I climb into the bed. I lay my head down but can't fall asleep with the bus moving. I toss and turn and daddy notices me.

"Hey pumpkin what's wrong?" He asks pushing my hair away from my face.

"Make de bus stop moving." I pout and sit up only to hit my head on the top. I start crying and Connor picks me up.

I cry into his shoulder as he walks around the bus trying to calm me down.

"I-I I w-want s-s-sippy" I say in between crys.

"Ok. I'll get you sippy." He says laying me down on the couch. He puts milk in it then heats it up.

While its heating he picks me up and starts rubbing my back. I let my last few little sniffles come out then just lay my head on daddy's shoulder. The timer goes off and he pulls it out the microwave. I sip on it till I get sleepy then fall asleep.

~next day~

We're in Minnesota but not near daddy's old house, so he's letting me go to the show then dropping me off at grams tomorrow. I'm excited to go to the show again.

Right now me and o2l are sitting In the break room and Kian's making a video. I decide to pop up infront of the camera.

"Hi!" I say too close to the camera. Kian picks me up and puts me on his lap.

"So if you guys didn't know, this is Jaclyn my sister from anoder mi-" kian says but I cut him off.

"Da da sippy." I say turning around to face daddy.

"YOU JUST HAD A FUCKIN SIPPY!" Kian playfully screams and I cover my ears CUZ it's too loud. I giggle then he goes on with the video.

"Ok so today I'm going to be telling you my best memories with each of the o2l boys and I have lil Jackie here to help me." He says and I wave. I continue drinking my sippy just ignoring what he says.

"Ok so what was your best memory with Connor?" Kian asks and I look at him.

"My favorite memory wit daddy is when he plays dollies, or when we play horses, or when we play duckies in the bathtub." I say and kian nods. Then we continue listing our favorite memories.

"Kiki I tired." I say and he pinches my cheeks lightly.

"Ok after this video you can go to sleep ok?" He asks looking at me.

"I wanna go to sleep now." I say about to jump off the high stool kian was sitting on.

"Jaclyn Rose you better not jump off that stool." Connor says pointing at me but I'm already off it and hitting my forehead on the corner of the table. I cry and kian looks at the camera.

"Duty calls." He says then picks me up. He examines my forehead then says there's a little bump on it.

"Daddy I'm just like you!" I say feeling my bump a little forgetting about the pain. Daddy laughs then picks me off Kian's lap.

"Bye bye!" I say to the camera as daddy brings me over to the couch.

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