Ch. 14 This is Awesomeness... TV?

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(Jaclyn's Pov)

(Next day)

"ANDREAS HERE ANDREAS HERE ANDREAS HERE!" I scream running down the stairs and looking out the window. She approaches the door and I open it without hesitation.

"Jaclyn!" She says holding her arms out for a hug. I jump into her arms and she picks me up and walks inside.

"Guuuuuuyyyyyyyysssss?" Andrea says while locking the door and walking to the living room.

"Are we going or what?" She asks the guys and I look at them confused.

"We're going to Awesomeness tv for a skit and guess what?" Jc says turning towards me.

"What?!" I scream excited.

"Your gonna be on kids react and react to videos." Ricky finishes and i start doing a happy dance. They all laugh and Andrea walks upstairs with me to get me dressed.

I pick out a yellow sundress and a flower hair accessories and Andrea does my hair. I told her to do what Bethy did then she put the flower in and we walked downstairs. I put on sandals and we headed towards the car.

~at awesomeness~

Jc, ricky, kian and sam went to film something with Shane Daweson, andrea went to film something with her roommate jenn and Trevor went to film a video with Lia jcs girlfriend, so daddy stayed at kids react with me. They tell me what I'm doing and I go sit in the chair waiting.

Something pops on the screen and I turn my attention towards it. On the screen I see Frozen and I smile and turn towards daddy.

~skip to after kids react~

"Good job kiddo!" The guy with the camera says high fiving me.

"Can she film another next week?" The guy next to him asks and daddy tells me to go over by one of the other kids. They talk but I can't understand them so I just turn towards the guy next to me.

"Hi I'm jaclyn." I smile and he turns to face me.

"Hi I'm Troy." He smiles. (A.N. He used to be on kids react and he's kinda hot so I put him in. I'm smiling like an idiot rn😂) "how old are you?" He asks.

"Three" I say back and he nods.

"I'm 13 so basically I'm 10 years older than you." He laughs and notices me looking at daddy.

"Is connor Franta your dad?" He asks and I nod. "That's really cool. How fun is it living with a bunch of youtubers?" He says and my smile grows bigger.

"It's so fun! We get to go bowling at 1 am." I laugh and he laughs too.

"Come on munchkin time to go. And guess what. Your gonna be a regular on kids react" Daddy says and I get up.

"By by Troy. Tank yous for being my friend." I say walking away.

"Bye!" He says back and me and daddy walk out the room. YAY! My first friend.

This was sorta a filler ch. Don't judge

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