Ch. 30 are you kidding?

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I've decided I'm going to continue this book :)

I sit in the kitchen reading an article about ariana grande on my phone.

"Hi baby." Dad says walking in.

"Hi dad." I say back then get up and walk to the fridge.

"Um. I need to take you somewhere today. Around noon so get ready." He says and I nod a little unsure about what's going on considering his voice was a little shaky.

I go to my room and put on leggings and a tank top because I'm not sure where we're going. I put on a cardigan as well and when I walk back to the kitchen I see dad there crying.

"Dad what's wrong?" I ask running over and rubbing his back.

"N-nothing. Let's go." he says grabbing his keys and walking to the car.

I get in and buckle up looking over at dad every couple seconds. We drive for about 20 minutes when I feel the car come to a stop I look out the window and my face goes blank.

"D-dad? This is the orphanage." I say tears coating my eyes.

"Jaclyn I can't do this anymore." He says holding back tears.

"But daddy." I say crying and he looks down. I hesitantly get out but leave my phone on the seat.

"I-I love you." He says while I get out.

"I don't think I can say the same for you anymore." I say then slam the door.

I slowly walk into the building and when I get there the lady smiles.

"Hi jaclyn. Welcome back." She smiles and I nod.

"Welcome back." i mumble and look down.


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