Ch. 10 Bish Whet?

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~next week~

It's December 1st, and we decided to go get a Christmas tree. We walk around looking at all the different trees till gram finally finds the one she wants. I don't understand why it's such a big deal. It's a tree for God sakes. There literally surrounding gram and gramps house.

When we get home we all decorate except for Connor and Nicola who are talking in the kitchen. I eavesdrop curious as to what they're saying.

"I wanna get her a new dolly but don't know where to get one." I hear daddy say.

"You should get one at American Girl." (A.N. I was obsessed with these) Nicola says and I just walk away.

We finish decorating then daddy decided that me and him could go out to eat together.

We got in gramps car because daddy's wasn't here, and we drove off towards a diner.

I got a sandwich and French fries and daddy got a salad. DADDY YOU TOLD ME SALADS WERE A WASTE OF TIME!

"Jaclyn I need to talk to you." Daddy says looking at me. Oh no.

"What's wrong?" I ask looking him strait in the eyes.

"Well... Ya see. You know how we live in the house with the three other guys?" He asks and I nod. "Well, I was thinking that maybe we could go live in an apartment just the two of us." He says smiling. I look down at me dolly in my arms.

"What about the other guys? where are they going to live?" I asks and he reaches over the table and lifts my chin up. We make eye contact and he smiles.

"They will live in the house." He takes a bite of his salad.

"I don't wanna move though." I say pouting.

"We won't move till next year when the lease on our house now is over." He informs me but I just take one of my fries and munch on it.

"Ok?" he asks with a worried look.

"Ok" I sigh.

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