Ch. 16

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(Next day)

I sit up from bed and my eyes go strait to a huge bruise on my arm.

"Daddy!" I yell getting up and running to his room.

"Daddy how did I get this?" I say pointing to the bruise.

"Oh you probably just bumped into something. You'll be fine sweetheart. You hungry. I'll go make breakfast." He says and I shake my head no.

"I think I'm just gonna color." I say then go to my room to draw.

Recently I've been trying to show the boys that I can be grown up like them so I decide to get dressed. While I'm putting on my shirt I notice a couple more little bruises on my stomach. I put my shirt on then go downstairs.

"Daddy I found more bruises." I say and show him my tummy.

"Ooh. If anymore come tomorrow tell me ok." He says and I nod. I go into the living room and sit next to SAMMY.

"What's that?" He says pointing to my hand. There are a couple little red dots and I shrug.

"There probably just from coloring." I say and we shrug it off and continue watching Spongebob.

After a while I get bored and decide to go upstairs. And lye down on my bed. Wishbones sleeping on their so I just decided to sleep too.

A little while later I wake up from someone shaking me.

"S-stop" I whine.

"But baby someones here to see you." Daddy says and I whine again.

"But daddy I wanna sleep." I say and turn to face the opposite direction.

"Hun have you been feeling alright?" He asks and I nod.

"Ya I'm just tired" I reply.

"But jaclyn you went to bed at 6 pm last night and it's 10 am now." He states and I groan. He picks me up and brings me downstairs. On the way down my foot scrapes the rail and I look at it.

It's bleeding but it didn't hurt...

What's happening?

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