Ch. 27

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(Jaclyns Pov)

(2 weeks later)

I rip open the door and slam it with rage walking to my room. I go to my room and slam the door. I ruin every inch of that place till its a pile of clothes posters and nick nacks shattered around my room.

I scream and bang my head against the wall praying that something, just something bad would happen.

I just want to die!

You may be saying to yourself:

What the fuck happened to you?

Is it that time of the month?

Drama queen

But you just don't understand.

Remember Lacy, the sweetheart who offered me a spot at the lunch table? Yeah well guess what? She totally stabbed me in the back and ripped out my heart while doing a Mexican fiesta dance on it.

After becoming really good friends with her and her group, she started talking shit about me and spreading rumors.


Apparently I gave a guy a handjob, am pregnant and that's why I'm so fat, and after school walk around town selling away my body to middle aged men!

How sick can a person be to make up these things?!

Whore, fat, ugly, stupid, freak, idiot, bitch, lesbian, slut

It all filled my head till I considered doing it. I considered breaking my razor and slicing the pieces across my skin.

No jaclyn! You can't!

Why are people so mean!

Even if I did cut what would it be doing?

Maybe I should just kill my self.

Just take all dads prescriptions and choke EM down like there's no Tomorrow.

But I can't

I just can't believe I was so stupid.

Stupid enough to believe...

Believe that I actually had a friend

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