Ch. 12 Back Home

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We're all back in LA now and today is the first day I'm gonna see the boys again. Me and daddy wait in the airport for the guys to come get us. Daddy's on his phone and I'm combing through Connys hair. In the distance I see kian and jump off my chair. I hear daddy call my name but I continue running.
"KI KI!" I yell and he picks me up. A out of breath Connor runs up behind us and puts his hand on Ricky's shoulder trying to catch his breath.
"Jaclyn baby don't you ever run away from me again do you hear me?" He says taking me from kian and hugging me. I giggle then we walk out to Ricky's car. I sat on Jc's lap because my car seat was in Connors car.
"I'm hungry" I pouted and looked down.
"Are you a black hole? we just ate!" yelled Kian.
"Maybe you guys ate, but me and Jaclyn didn't." Connor said since Kian was referring to before they picked us up.
When we get home I go up to my room and set up Connys bed that Brandon got me. Jc helped me then we went downstairs to eat lunch.
"Who wants TACOBELLLLL" Kian screamed waving his arms around like a weirdo.
"Ok, but then we need to go to Trevor's music video." Sam says picking me up.
"I wanna be in the video." I pout looking at puppy eyes with Trevor.
"You can be my someone!" Sam says pushing my face to his making our cheeks smash together. Since we both had baby faces everyone laughed. Daddy took a picture then posted it with the caption:
Jaclyn is Sams someone
I laughed then we headed to Taco Bell. I got nachos and cinnamon twist.

After we were done we headed to the someone music video shoot. First we went to the "cafe" and it was funny watching all the guys doing their thang. It was night time by the time the video was done. After we all piled in the car and headed home.

"Daddy I don't want to go to bed." I said as we walked up to the house.
"Well than do you wanna film my video for tomorrow with me?" he asks and I nod. I've never been in one of his videoed before, only his vlogs and then he posted a video of me vlogging. I was excited to see what we're doing.

Sorta a filler chapter in srry
Anyways THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100 reads!!!!
It's honestly so cool that's hundred people are reading a story that I write from my couch :D
Ok byyyyeeeee

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