Ch. 18

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(Still CONNORS Pov)

"Would you like to start chemo therapy treatment tomorrow or The day after." The lady at the front desk asks. I look at her through my red puffy eyes.

"We'll do it tomorrow." I reply and she nods typing.

"Your appointment is at 7:45 tomorrow. And be sure to pack overnight essentials." She says and rips a piece of paper out of the notebook handing it to me.

I put jaclyn in her stroller and head downstairs. I call Ricky and tell him to pick me up because I'm too scared to drive like this with jaclyn in the car.

He says he's on his way. When he gets here we pile in then kian who also came drives my car back home. When jaclyn falls asleep ricky turns to me.

"What happened?" he says and instantly turns back to the road.

"Umm. She's just really sick." Is all I can get out before bursting out into tears.

We get home and I put Jaclyn to bed and call a house meeting without Jaclyn.

"So are you gonna tell us what's wrong or not?" Sam says and I sigh.

"Jaclyn has ALL. It's a type of blood cell Leukemia." I say and notice kian getting tears in his eyes. I follow then start full on crying infront of everyone.

Kian goes up to his room and the other guys try to comfort me.

"She goes into treatment tomorrow, then we're staying over night." I manage to get out through my cries.

"Do you want any of us there?" Ricky asks and I shrug.

"I know that she wants Trevor there. She misses him a lot." I say referring to him being on a tour or something like that.

He's coming back tonight so I hope he can be here for Jaclyn tomorrow.

I decide to go check up on jaclyn, so I quietly open the door to see her drawing.

"Baby what are you doing up? Go to bed sweetheart." I say then pick her up and put her in her bed.

After that I just go to my room then get a call from my parents. My mom started crying when she heard the news then they decided they would fly up here and spend some time with her.

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