Ch. 24 New life :)

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-9 years later-

"Hello Internet my name is jaclyn and today I am doing the christmas tag because oh my god Christmas is literally 5 days away AHHHHHHHHH" I scream.

You might be wondering right now...

Oh my god it's 9 years later and oh my god I thought you were brunette? (Look at photo to see what looks like now)

Well we got a lot of catching up to do.

I am 13 years old now, and still live with connor at the apartment. He's 30 now so he's old and I always bug him about it. He still does youtube and as you can see from what I said above I do too!

I have 2.6 million and connor has... Wait for it... 35 million.

We still go to events like playlist and vidcon.

You also might be wondering if I know that I'm adopted and yes I do know.

Connor aka dad has told me when I was 10 because I started noticing that we don't look alike and also the fact that I watched all his videos and I wasn't in any of them till I was 3. So he eventually cracked and told me. I don't mind though.

Now you might be wondering... Ok Jaclyn now tell us, your hair.

I talked dad into letting me dye it when I was 12.

He had said I was too young but luckily I had Tyler there to stand up for me. So thank you Tyler.

You also might be wondering (gosh stop wondering things about my life stalker) if I know about my dad and his sexuality.

And to answer your question I do know and did know ever since I could understand what it meant. Obviously he exposed him being gay when I was 4, but I didn't really know what that meant at the time so he told me when I was at the good age to know.

"So yeah since it's almost Christmas and I'm doing the Christmas tag I thought I would bring along someone who I've spent Christmas with my whole life. Drumroll please... mr Connor Franta aka daaaaaddddddd!" I scream as he slides into the camera... Yeah he hasn't changed one bit since when he was 22 (A.N. Oooooh ooooh)

"But before I start the tag I just wanted to let out a little announcement. January 24th 2022, me and connor will be at the first January Vidcon hosted in Cali. If you didn't know already Vidcon is usually in the summer, but they decided to have it during January. why I don't know but they did and they can do what they want cuz it's a free country and yeah." I say and Connor laughs.

I look over to see dad drinking coffee.

"STOP DRINKING YOUR COFFEE AND FOCUS." I scream making him make a sacred face towards the camera. We laugh then get serious... well kinda... well not really... well not in the slightest.

-after video-

"Let's go to Tyler's now." Dad says as I get on my boots and slip on my jacket.

"Dad?" I ask turning towards him once we got in the car.

"Yeah?" He says turning towards me.

"I think I'm ready to go to public school." I say and a smile cracks on his face.

OMG I CANT BELIEVE I SKIPPED THAT MUCH OF HER LIFE!!!!!!!!!!! Ok have a nice life I'll try to update again today bye

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