Ch. 13 Videos and Broken Fingers

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"Hey what's up you guys it's Connor and today I am here with Jaclyn and we are going to be doing to the best friend tag because she's my lil buddy right?" I ask looking at her. She nods her head and giggles.

"But I like kian and Trevy more." She laughs. I drop my jaw, laugh then turn back to the camera.

"Ok so lets get started shall we?" I say then we start the video.

"When did we meet." I turn to her asking.

"We met in the summer in the orphanage" she says spinning around in the chair.

1 hour later

"Bye!" I say excited then cover the camera.

"That was fun" Jaclyn blurts out smiling. Just then Kian comes barging into the room.

"Wanna go bowling?" He asked picking jaclyn up. I look at the clock and give kian a weird face.

"It's 1 in the morning." I say with my eyebrows raised. He growls and rolls his eyes.

"And your point is?" He replies giving me a face like I'm stupid.

"Daddy I'm not tired." Jaclyn says but I see the bags under her eyes. She makes a pleading face and I sigh.

"Fine" I nod my head then follow them downstairs. Jaclyn gets on her pink hoodie and sneakers then heads out. I follow her out to the car with all the guys already in their.

Jaclyn speeds up into a run and hops in the car on Trevor's lap.

"Hi trevy" she says laughing. He picks her up off his lap and puts her in her car seat. He buckles her up then we're on our way.

"Ok we're here." I say turning back towards everyone. Jaclyns passed out and I sigh.

"It's too late for a three year old to be out." I say angrily while getting out to unbuckle her. As i unbuckle her she opens her eyes and looks at me smiling.

"Are we still going bowling?" She asks and I laugh.

"Yes. We're here." I say picking her up and bringing her inside.

We get our bowling balls and head towards our spot.

"Daddy look!" Jaclyn says holding a bowling ball. I laugh then pull out my phone to take a picture. I open instagram and post it with the caption:

Bowling with the bæ

She laughs when she sees it and continues to bring it over towards the alley. She sits down on her knees and pushes it as hard as she can. We watch it slowly head towards the pins then knock 2 down.

"DADDY DADDY!" She screams jumping. I pick her up and she smiles. I guess knocking down two pins is a great accomplishment to a three year old.


We continue on for another hour. We're about more than half way through the game. I watch as Jaclyn goes over to get a ball. I smile at how the littlest things she does can be so adorable, then go on my phone.

Suddenly I hear a scream and a bang and my head shoots up towards Jaclyn with tears forming in her eyes. I run over and kneel down next to her. She's holding her hand and I take it from her gently. I examine it and notice her two center fingers are swelling up.

"I'll go get some ice." Ricky says as I pull Jaclyn up onto a chair and off the ground. Ricky comes back with ice and I place it on Jaclyn fingers. She starts hysterically crying and pushes it away.

"Should we bring her to a hospital? They might be broken." jc says and I nod and pick her up. On our way to the emergency room, JC and kian try to cheer her up by talking in funny voices and trevor sings her to sleep.

When we get to the emergency room, Sams holding her little sleeping body and walking fast towards the building. We walk in and go strait to the desk. We tell her all the information then go to wait. We sit for over two hours then someone finally calls her name. We stand up and the mans eyes go wide.

"3 are allowed" he says so me trevor and kian all walk with Jaclyn in my arms.

"What happened here?" The doctor asks while Jaclyn tiredly tries to keep her eyes open.

"A bowling ball fell on my hand." She says leaning into my side tying to fall back asleep.

"Jaclyn come on." I say and put her in my lap. She slouches tiredly but holds out her hand for him to see.

He examines it closely then looks up at me with a face as if he was trying to smile through bad news.

"Her index finger is broken, but middle finger is going to be fine." He tells me writing things down in his notepad.

"How can you tell without x-rats and stuff?" I ask and he chuckles slightly.

"I've seen this before. I can tell just by looking at it that its a clean break." he replies standing up.

"I'll go get the brace." He smiles then walks out. I turn towards kian and Trevor. They give me the same blank look back and Trevor sighs and stands up.

"I'll go tell everyone else." He says walking out.

"Da da?" I look down at a little sleeping Jaclyn in my arms.

"After this can we go back to bowling?" She asks and Kian starts laughing hysterically at the fact that she just broke a finger bowling.

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