Ch. 15 Lets Catch Up

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(2 months later)

Time to catch up. I'm 4 now. My birthday was in February and its March now. I got my finger brace off. I'm a regular on kids react. Sam lives with us now, but me and Daddy are leaving in a couple months. I've also been feeling really sick lately.

Kiki told me that he's gonna take me out for a "Jackie and Kiki day" today so I'm getting ready. I learned how to do a ponytail but Jc has to help me fix it sometimes, so JC is currently smoothing down the bumps.

"Ready to go almond?" Kiki says and I nod. Kiki says that he can't call me peanut cause it's too mainstream, so he calls me almond.

"Yeah" I said strapping up my Velcro sneakers. I run to his car and hop in. He straps up my car seat and turns on his vlogging camera after he gets in the front seat.

"Hey guys what's up its kian and today I'm having a Jackie and kian day with my favorite 4 year old ever!" He says pointing the camera towards me. I do a sassy duck face and put a peace sign up.

"Ok so since Connor yelled at me last time for vlogging while driving with jaclyn in the car I guess I'll see YA guys when i get to our destination." He smiles and covers the lens.

~at the place~

"PIZZA!" Kian screams picking me up and bringing me inside.

"Gurl your burnin up like a fire." He says looking at me. "Are you alright?" He asks and I nod. We go over to the counter. We get our pizza and sit down.

"Kiki I'm not hungry can we go play games." I say pointing at the arcade.

"Eat your pizza. You barely had a bite." He says and I sit back in my chair and play with Connys hair.

"Kiki my head hurts." I say holding my head with my hands.

"Here drink some water." He hands me his water cuz I had apple juice. I gulp some down then start to cry.

"It don't work." I say pouting and Kiki frowns.

"Ok babe. Well let's go home." He says picking me up and bringing me to the car.

We start to drive and I suddenly get really cold.

"Kiki can you make it warm. I cold." I say holding my arms to be warm.

"Jaclyn it's like 90 degrees outside. Are you sure your ok?" He asks looking back at me through the mirror.

"Yeah. I just a wittle tired." I say and try to fall asleep.


I wake up in my bed and sit up. My head shoots out a pain and I hold it. I get up and start to walk downstairs when I hear people talking.

"Connor I think there's something wrong with jaclyn" I hear kian say and I look down. There's something wrong with me?

"She'll be fine kian. It's probably just a cold or a fever. All people get it." I hear daddy's voice. I decide to go down to them.

"But connor-" kian begins but looks over at me.

"Oh hey baby. How you feeling?" Daddy asks and I shrug.

"Kiki what's wrong with me?" I ask and he frowns.

"Nothing. Just go back to bed honey. Your fine." Daddy smiles and picks me up.

He tucks me in and I almost instantly fall asleep.

Sorry it's a little short. I'll try to make the next one longer.

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