Epilouge :):

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~1 year later~

Dear daddy

Its exactly a year since you brought me back here. I've been writing these letters to you everyday hoping you come back. I'm gonna send them all to you today, but I'm not sure if you still live in the apartment.

Maybe you moved to Australia with Troye, or back to Minnesota. I don't know. But I'm hoping you get these.

I try not to cry anymore daddy, but it hurts. It hurts to know that I've lived with you since I was three then one day you just drop me. If you were to ever adopt me again I'm not sure if I would say yes.

I'm 15 now so I only have 3 more years till I'm an adult and then I'll move out to LA on my own.

I still make videos when I get the computer which is every Tuesday and Thursday since I'm the oldest one here.

I don't follow any of the guys or you on Twitter anymore because we kinda lost contact.

I wonder if my cousins remember me?

Can you say hi to them for me?

It's ok if you don't though I just was wondering.

Anyways. I love you, even though I didn't say it when we last saw eachother.

~Jaclyn aka Jack baby

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