Ch. 5 Event

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(Jaclyns Pov)

"WHATS UP OOOOO222222LLLLLLL!!!!" JC screams into the crowd. I'm sitting next to the stage watching the boys. Bethany did my hair and outfit again. She picked out a dress with silver ruffles and a silver bow separating the top from the bottom. She also picked out white stockings. Then for my hair she did two French braids again, but put a pink flower headband on.

I hear my name shooting me out of my deep thought. Daddy motions me on stage and I feel butterflies in my stomach. I shake my head no and back away. He puts the mic on the table and walks off stage to me. He picks me up and I start combing my dolls hair to calm my nerves. When he walks on stage everyone cheers then he sits down next to kian with me in his lap. I look up at Connor.

"Sippy! Sippy!" I say and he takes out my juice. I sip on it while combing my dolls hair.

They continue talking to the fans until it was time to go to the meet and great. I just sat on a chair sipping my sippy while playing on Connors iPad.

"DADDY DADDY LOOK!" I yell running over to him. "I BEAT LEVEL ONE I BEAT IT!" I jump up and down.

"Wow that's so cool. Why don't you go try to beat level two" daddy says while signing something.

"Daddy I wanna draw." I say picking up the sharpie on the table.

"Jaclyn we need to sign autographs with those." Daddy says taking it from me.

"Can I go to Bethy?" I ask with pleading eyes.

"Sure" he says signing papers, with his head down not really paying attention. I push through the crowd of girls. I look around for beth but realize I don't know where I am.

"Daddy?" I say.

"DA DA!" I yell and begin to cry.

"DADDY DADDY!" I yell pushing through the crowd. I see Andrea Kian's girlfriend and run up to her.

"Andrea!" I cry running over to her.

"Oh my god Jaclyn what happened?!" She says picking me up.

"I asked daddy if I could go see Bethy and he said yes and I got lost." I cry.

"He let you go there by yourself?" Andrea says with wide eyes. I nod wiping my tears. She begins to walk towards the guys and when she get there she starts screaming at Connor.

"WHAT IF SHE DIDNT SEE ME? WHAT OF SOMEONE TOOK HER? YOU NEED TO WATCH HER!" Are some of the things she screams and I cry harder. Trevor takes me from Andrea and brings me to the back room. He fills my sippy and calms me down. He lets me play on his phone and we wait.

Kian, Ricky, jc and sam walk over to me and trevor.

"She's still going off on Connor" kian says and I look down.

"I sorry" I say and jc picks me up.

"Hey hey hey it's not your fault." he says and I smile. Connor walks through the door.

"DADDY!" I yell happy and run over to him. He picks me up and rubs my head.

" I'm sorry Jackie I didn't mean to make you scared." He says to me.

"Is ok. I wuv you" I say and hug him.

"I love you more"

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