Ch. 21

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Connors pov

I wake up in a chair in Jaclyns hospital room. Was it all a dream.

"No mr. Franta, unfortunately it's not." The doctor says and I look down.

"Where is she?" I ask.

"Surgery." he says and I stand up quicker than ever.

"You put my baby girl into brain surgery without consulting me?" I say gritting my teeth.

"Your parents gave perm-" he starts but I cut him off.

"Are they her guardians? No? SO YOU ASK ME NOT THEM! Now let me see her." I say pushing past him walking towards the forbidden area.

"I'm sorry mr. Franta. If we did that for you we'd have to do it for everyone." He shrugs and I look at him seriously.

"Not if you just did it for me." I shoot back and continue walking.

The nurses pull me back but I continue to get through until I hear some familiar voices. I turn around to see tyler and Troye. I walk over to them and cross my arms.

"What's wrong hulk?" Tyler laughs and I shake my head.

"They put my baby girl into surgery. Without telling me" I say and Troye pats my back.

"It's going to be o-" I cut him off.

"Really? How do you know that? What if this all just goes down hill and she dies tomorrow!?" I say anger in my face and I see Troye start to get intimidated and back away.

"Connor stop. Don't say that." Tyler says and I turn towards him, but then stop and frown.

"I... I'm sorry." I say then drop to my knees in the middle of the hall.

{3 am}

I sit in my bedroom staring at my ceiling. I should probably be filming my video rn, but I haven't been in this bed since Jaclyn got to the hospital. I took this bed for granted. Sleeping in a hospital for days strait I realized how much this bed means to me.

O2l is all staying with jaclyn because they said I needed sleep but I just can't fall asleep. I decided to just film my o2l video.

This honestly isn't fun anymore. It doesn't feel like the old fun videoed I used to make. It's starting to feel like work.

And I don't like that

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