Ch. 28

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I laid on my floor all of my junk around me. My head was banging and I felt so dizzy. I just laid there on the ground.

"Jaclyn?" I hear. I'm way too weak to move. I need water.

"Jaclyn?" I hear the voice closer this time. I recognize this voice it belongs to the one, the only, Tyler Oakley.

"In here" I say weakly.

Light footsteps echo coming closer to me until the sound of an old creaking door fills my ears.

"Oh dear lord." I hear him say then I see him hovering over me.

"Jaclyn do you need water? Are you ok? Oh god." He says before getting up and walking away. The satisfying sound of running water made a small smile slither onto my lips.

Footsteps make there way towards me again then my head is being lifted slightly.

"Ok just drink some water and tell me what the fuck happened." He says and I nod. I lean my back agains the bed and talk to Tyler about everything.

In the end he's left there speechless and I feel alone again. In my quiet wrecked room.

"Not to be rude but why are you here?" I ask and he looks up at me.

"Your dad wanted me to check up on you. Thank god I did." He says and I nod.

"I'll stay till he comes back." He adds smiling I nod then look infront of me at the empty space. I sigh and all those names come floating back into my head. Like a black cloud that ruined your pool day.

Tyler gets up and walks somewhere around the apartment. I look down at my room. The only thing untouched is my fan wall. It's full of art and beautiful pictures and posters people had sent me. I film all my videos infront of it. I lightly run my fingers over the brilliant works of art and take time to examine each one.

Sometimes I like to imagine what the people who made them are like. Are they nice? Are they rude? Are they blonde? And they brunette? Maybe they have red hair, or crazy silver fox hair like Jenna Marbles.

"Your dads coming home" a voice says taking me out of deep thought.

"Thanks Tyler. Can I ask you a question?" I ask and he nods.

"In school, did anyone ever make fun of you or make up rumors?" I ask and he sighs.

"To be honest Jaclyn, I never had it as bad as you. I think your in some deep shit. Luckily though your God father here will cut any bitches who try to get to you." Tyler says and I laugh a little. Yes he is my godfather. Dad always says that when we met when I was a fetus we just clicked. So that's why he chose Tyler for being my godfather.

"Thank you."

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