Ch. 4 The Tour

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*3 weeks later*

The guys have recently told me about youtube and how their going on tour. It doesn't really effect me. I'm going to one or two shows', but when we get to Minnesota I am gonna stay with gram and gramps which is daddy's parents. He also said his sister and younger brother were coming too, but his older brother wouldn't be there.

Right now we're on the bus to get to the first destination. I'm going to be sleeping next to daddy because I'm only sleeping on the bus for three nights and I didn't take up much room anyways.

I ran and jumped on Kian's leg, holding on to his ankle. He looks down and I giggle.

"Uppy!" I yell and he picks me up. We start walking around the bus and he brings me to where me and daddy are sleeping.

"Dats it?" I ask with my pacifier in my mouth.

"Yeah. But don't worry it's bigger on the inside." (A.N. DID ANYONE ELSE HAVE A DOCTOR WHO MOMENT THERE?) kian said and I just stare at it. I see daddy walk into the bus and I smile.

"DADDY!" I screamed through the muffled sound of my pacifier. He looks at me and smiles. I hold out my arms for him to take me from kian and he does. I put my head on his shoulder as he goes to talk to a blonde haired girl, who I later found out is named Jenn. Someone from outside the bus calls daddy and he nods his head and puts a thumbs up to them.

"Jaclyn I have to go somewhere." He says about to put me on the couch. I give him pouty eyes and hold my arms up for him to pick me up. He gives me a 'dont fight with me' look and I put them back down.

"Here play a game on the iPad." Daddy says "kian come show her a game." He adds shouting towards kian. For the next hour or two I just sat there playing on the iPad. Everyone except sam trevor and some girl were gone and I was still sitting on the couch. My eyes got heavy so I rested me head on the iPad laying down. I close my eyes and instantly fall asleep.

Connors POV

I haven't exactly mentioned to Jaclyn that I'm not going to be spending a lot of time with her on the tour. I'm planning on telling her when we get back.

I step into the bus and see Jaclyn asleep on the couch. She's sucking her thumb and her head is resting on the iPad. I smile then gently pick her up. I go into the back room and change her into pajamas then lay her down in our bunk. She wakes up and looks at me with her big blue green eyes.

"Da da im hungry." She says with her thumb in my mouth. I pick her up baby style and walk into the couch area.

"What are we doing for dinner?" I ask and everyone shrugs. I decide to take a leader move.

"We're going to Panara" I tell Jaclyn and everyone cheers. We walk outside and make our way to Panera Bread. I decided to push Jaclyn in her stroller because sometimes carrying her gets tiring. She plays on the iPad as we walk down the street and when we get there she looks at me.

"I know what you want." I tell her and she turns back to the iPad. Jaclyn doesn't like hard food because of her little baby teeth so the only thing she eats here that she likes is the Mac and cheese. I order then sit down at the booth with everyone else.

I put Jaclyn on my lap and I put our food infront on us. She digs in then knocks out right after. I guess she was tired. I put her in her stroller so it's more comfortable and talk to the group.

"You really love her don't you?" Jenn asks and I nod.

"More than anything." I say and Jenns face goes blank for a second.

"How did she react when she found out she's gonna be away from you for two months?" Jenn says and I look down.

"I didn't tell her how long yet. But I think she'll be fine. I might stop back home for thanksgiving, then the tour is over by Christmas and we're gonna be at Minnesota for that so its not that long. We just won't be spending Halloween together." I shrug and continue to eat. Everyone's off on they're own conversations and I'm just staring into space thinking.

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