Part 8

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Apparently Harry is being hunted by a mass murderer called Sirius Black. Fantastic. Notice the sarcasm. The trio and I are eating breakfast in the great hall and discussing it, when Dean ran into the great hall, with a newspaper in his hands waving with it like crazy. 'You have to see this!' He shouts.

When he puts the newspaper on the table right in front of me, I see what all the commotion is about. It's right there, in magical ink on the frontpage.

Bellatrix LeStrange escaped from Azkaban

We have reason to believe that the loyal Death Eater Bellatrix LeStrange, who was put in Azkaban last year, managed to escape the wellguarded prison..........

I wasn't reading anymore. I saw everything in a blur because of my tears and I started shaking. Hermione sees it. 'Laura, are you okay?' I don't answer. I just run out of the great hall as fast as I can, and don't stop until I'm in the girls bathroom.

I drop down on the floor and silent tears fall on my cheeks. Moaning Myrtle sees me crying, but doesn't ask what's going on. Instead, she just flies over to me and whispers things as 'it's gonna be okay', and I'm pretty sure she would hug me if she could.

I wipe away my tears. 'Thanks Myrtle.' I say and manage to slightly smile at her. I don't get why so many people say that Myrtle is annoying. Yes, she's different, but aren't we all? Once you get to know her she's really kind.

I wanna stand up to head back, when I see something on the floor. 'What's this?' I ask myself. It's some sort of book, and I decide to take it with me to the Room of Requirement (I read about it and know where it is). On my way to the Room of Requirement I carefully avoid everyone, because I don't want everyone asking 'what's going on?'. I walk back and forth thinking about a nice place to hang out, and the door appears.

I walked in and instantly knew that I would be spending a lot of time in this place. The room in front of me contains a comfortable couch, some chairs, a bookshelf and some decorating stuff. I love it. It even has a minibar!

I sit down on a chair, and decide to open the book I just found. It's blank. Then I suppose it's some sort of diary. Suddenly, I see ink coming through the pages, forming sentences adressed to me: Hello Laura Hillcraft, I'm Tom Riddle. Can I say that you look beautiful today? I roll my eyes. I grab a quill and ink and write a response: No, you can't. What the hell is this supposed to be? Quickly the letters fade, and new ones form:

Hard to get, huh? That's fine, I can play ;)
This is my old diary, I put a spell on it so that when I would graduate at Hogwarts I could still somehow be there. How are you today?

Honestly? Terrible.

Oh, and why is that?

I'm hesitating. Should I tell him? But the voice in my head saying 'what could possibly happen?' wins it every time.

I just heard that Bellatrix LeStrange broke out of Azkaban, and I have a terrible history with that woman.

Interesting... Do tell.

Well... Bellatrix LeStrange kidnapped me three years ago. She said to me that she wanted a daughter that listened to her, and was just like her: ruthless. She set her eyes on me and wanted me, she thought I was perfect as her daughter. So she kidnapped me, only to find out that I was the complete opposite of ruthless. But she didn't want to kill me and search for another daughter. She cared for me (even though she had a funny way of showing it including a lot of blood), and would change me to get what she wanted. She put me in a dungeon, where I have spent three years of my life. Every week she would have another test for me, another way to prove that I could be what she wanted me to be. I've been through anything you can think of. She wanted me to kill a muggleborn, use the crusiatus curse on an innocent, she even wanted me to attack a muggle. But I refused every single time. She was so desperate to turn me into a murderer that every time I refused, I would get punished. In every possible way. She used the crusiatus curse on me, tortured me physically and mentally... she killed my boyfriend right in front of me because I refused to kill a nine year old child. I still have nightmares about it every single day, I sometimes hear her voice in my sleep saying 'come on sweetie, they don't deserve your compassion. Just do it. Do it!' I can remember every weapon she ever used on me, from her wand, to knives, guns and chainsaws. I try so hard to move on, but I just can't. Especially not now I know she's free... She's coming after me again, I just know it!

That must've been horrible... I'm so sorry you had to go through that... How did you escape?

During the third year of my captivity, Bellatrix' nephew, a boy my age who always came over during holidays, found out about me. He said that he'd talk to Bellatrix for me asking if she could let me out. But I told him that he shouldn't. She wouldn't listen, and the boy would only get in trouble. One day, when I had just been punished, he came to the dungeon to talk. He saw the walls covered in blood, my blood, while I was begging to die. I put my hand, which was covered in blood aswell, on the wall while I searched the room, hoping to find something sharp enough to kill myself with, only to leave a blood trace on the wall. Draco, the boy I was talking about, couldn't stand it anymore, so he risked his own life in order to get the keys to the dungeon. He saved me.

You have been through so much... I understand you're scared now she's free. I know there is nothing I can do for you, since I'm just a memory in a diary, but if you ever wanna talk, just know that I'm here for you, okay?

Thanks Tom, that really means a lot.


Wow, she really has been through a lot. Normally I wouldn't care about things like that, but with this girl, it's just... different. It's like I don't want her to feel pain. I wanne learn more about her, and my diary is the perfect way to do that.


Oh Merlin, I just told a complete stranger my entire lifestory. It was hard to talk about it, but I know I'm gonna have to do it again. I want my friends to know about it, but I just can't bring myself to tell them... When the time is right, they'll figure it out.

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