Part 20

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Harry POV

Laura said she was going back to the common room, but I haven't seen her there. I'm starting to get worried. 'I'm gonna search for Laura,' I told Hermione and Ron. They nod, and I walk out. I searched for her everywhere, but I couldn't find her. I'm about to give up, when I see Moaning Myrtle crying again. 'What's wrong Myrtle?' I ask politely. She sniffs, and I can tell that she isn't fake crying as she normally does. 'Laura just ignored me,' she said sobbing. 'Laura was here?' I ask. She nods. 'She went down there,' she pionts at the entrance of the Chamber of Secrets. I frown. What the hell would she be doing there? (If only he knew...)

I get down towards the chamber of secrets, and when I walked in, I am shocked. I see Laura, snogging Tom Riddle. She's snogging him, kissing him, and she is enjoying it! At first I'm jealous, but then I get mad.


I hear harry scream. 'WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!' he yells at me. Tom pulls out of the kiss, and turns around to face Harry, who is still looking at me with pure anger on his face. Strange thing is, that I don't care. I would, it's just... I don't know. The only one I care about is Tom right now.

'YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS?! I WAS WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU, AND THEN I FIND YOU HERE, SNOGGING VOLDEMORT?!' I don't say anything, instead Tom starts to talk. 'Don't blame her Potter, it's not her fault.' 'HOW IS THIS NOT HER FAULT?!' Harry screams furiously. 'Because she doesn't have a choice. I am making her do this. Harry stays quiet for a while, and them he turns to Tom. 'What?!' He hisses angrily at Tom. Tom just smirks.

'I am the one who sent her that rose yesterday, and it was drowned in a love potion. When she smelled it, she became mine.' He grins. 'She cut herself so we could be together.' Harry now noticed my arm which was still bleeding, and then he turned mad again, while I stood there with no emotions on my face. 'YOU DID THIS?! YOU MADE HER DO THIS?! YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT!' He screams as he pulls out his wand and starts fighting Tom. I just watch, very confused.

Harry wins the fight. Tom is being sucked into the diary, and I am still very confused. 'Harry? What's going on, where is Tom?' I ask desperately. I am feeling a little light in my head, probably from the bloodloss, but I don't care. 'Where is he, Harry?' I ask again. But Harry just looks at me with a worried look on his face. He takes my arm, and whispers: 'Come on, let's get you out of here.' I look back at the diary one more time and Harry sees it and takes it with us.

Harry leads me through the hallways, which causes some boys to glace at him with jealousy, which quickly turns into worry when they see me bleeding. 'Why did he leave, Harry? I don't understand.' 'You will, I promise. First we have to get you to madame Pomfrey.' I see Hermione and Ron rushing towards us, and they seem very worried. 'Laura! What the hell happened, are you okay?' Hermione asks, and she gasps in shock when she sees my arm. Ron looks at me worried, and helps Harry taking me to the Hospital Wing.

'What the hell happened to her?' Ron asks. 'Later,' Harry said. Ron nods and they take me to the Hospital Wing. Meanwhile, my whole robes are covered in blood, and I'm having a hard time trying not to pass out. 'Oh Merlin!' Madame Pomfrey shouts when she sees me. 'Put her on the bed please.' The boys do as told and Hermione just looks at me frightened. 'Where is Tom, Harry?' I ask. Hermione and Ron look at me confused and ask Harry for an explanation, but he doesn't give them one yet.

'You lost a lot of blood, dear.' Madame Pomfrey said after healing my arm. 'You should rest. 'But I need to see Tom first, where is he?' Harry gave me a worried glance before telling the others what happened. 'Voldemort has a diary which contains his memory, and he sent Laura a rose with some sort of love potion... and...' Harry seems to find it hard to say it. 'She was kissing him in the Chamber of Secrets before I could put him back in the diary.' He showed them the diary, and Hermione and Ron look at me with their mouths open. I only get more confused. 'Please can I see him? Just one minute?' I beg. Madame Pomfrey shakes her head. 'This potion must've been very strong...'

She walks away, and returns a few minutes later with a potion that is probably gonna help me. 'Drink,' she commands. I hesitate, but then I decide to listen. I drink the potion, and it already starts working. There is a pink heart in front of me, and when it breaks, I feel a lot different all of a sudden. Everyone looks at me concerned, and I just break down into tears. 'H-how could h-he do that...' I whisper. Hermione tries to comfort me, but it doesn't help. I'm feeling very sick all of a sudden, and I throw up. Madame Pomfrey looks at me sympathetically. 'Are you feeling better?' I shake my head. 'Worse. I kissed Voldemort, I kissed a murderer...' I throw up again, and my tears won't stop flowing.

There are a lot of people outside of the Hospital Wing, wanting to visit me. But luckily, madame Pomfrey tells them to leave me the hell alone. I thanked her for that. I was sitting on the bed now, my head leaning on Harry's shoulder (the three of them were sitting on the bed aswell) and I whisper: 'Thank you. Thank you so much for saving me.' He smiles at me and kisses my forehead. 'Always.'

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