Part 13

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Third person POV

News has spread fast. Everyone has heard what happened with Laura Hillcraft. The whole castle laid awake last night because they were worried about the Griffindor Princess. No one could make out yesterday what she was whispering when the Boggart was in her head, so no one heard her cast the curse of death, Avada Kedavra. There were so many people who had begged their teachers to get the day off to go visit Laura, so the teachers have decided to give everyone free from classes today. The teachers theirselves were very worried too.


I heard that everyone got free from classes today. I guess I should get myself into the Hospital Wing more. The first person to visit me today was proffessor Lupin. He came by this morning, looking pretty nervous. 'H-how are you f-feeling?' he asks softly. 'I'm feeling better now,' I answer. He looks down, clearly relieved, and then started speaking again when he looked at me. 'I am so sorry, if I knew this would happen I would've never brought that Boggart to my class,' he started rambling before I interrupted him. 'It's okay. Really. It's not your fault, you shouldn't blame yourself,' I said kindly.

The next person to visit me was Blaise Zabini. 'Hey Blaise!' I said happily when he walked through the door. He smiled at me, and sat next to my bed. 'Don't you ever do that again!' he said in a fake angry voice. 'Everyone is so worried!' 'You don't have to worry anymore,' I told him. 'I'm doing much better, and I'll get out of the Hospital Wing in a few days. He smiles at that good news. 'I was really scared for you...' he whispers. I get up from the bed to hug him. 'Awhhh that's really sweet!' I tell him. 'But I'm fine now, honestly.'

Myrtle came by too, crying and overreacting as she always does. After I told her that I was fine (for the fifth time) she finally calmed down. She's so sweet.

Percy also stopped by, even though he's been avoiding me since that night in the hallway. He almost started crying. I was really moved knowing that there were so many people who care for me.

Somewhere around the afternoon, after being visited by a lot of people I haven't even met before, the group from yesterday came in (minus the teachers). They smiled when they saw that I was doing much better. Their eyes went big when they saw all the chocolate and flowers next to my bed. I laughed and threw some chocolate to them, Ron immediately started eating. 'So, what happened?' I ask. Hermione does the talking, since the boys are too busy eating chocolate. After I heard the whole you-were-being-imprisoned-in-your-own-memories-by-a-boggart-story, they went silent. 'What happened in the memory you were imprisoned in?' Ron asks carefully. 'You don't have to tell it if you don't want to,' he adds quickly. I smile at him. 'It's really sweet of you to say that, but I think I'm ready to tell you.' I take a deep breath. 'I have been kidnapped by Bellatrix LeStrange three years ago.' Everyone gasps and looks at me in shock. Exept for Draco. He looks at me kindly, and nods as a sign for me to continue. I smile at him gratefully and tell them the whole story.

After I tell them, none of them speaks. Everyone has tears in their eyes, even Draco, who already knew the story. Hermione is the first to speak. 'Bellatrix LeStrange has kidnapped you, pretended that you're her daughter and made you kill your own boyfriend... That must've been horrible.' She looks at me sympathetically. I nod. 'It does explain a lot, for example why you walked out of the Great Hall when you heard se was free...' she says. Suddenly the twins stand up, walk over to me and hug me at the same time. 'I'm so sorry that happened to you,' they whispered in unison. I hugged them back, realising how lucky I am with these people around me. The others follow the example of the twins, and they all hug me and tell me how sorry they are for me. 'How did you ever survive that?' Dean asks me. 'Bellatrix wanted me to be her daughter so she never hurt me enough so I would die from my injuries, and she never gave me the opportunity to kill myself,' I said as an answer. He seems rather unsettled because of this answer. He raises his eyebrow and says: 'I meant mentally.' 'I used to sing. That's the only reason I didn't completely loose my mind in there.' I stated. 'Can you sing something?' Ron asks. The others look quite curious too, so I sigh and say: 'Alright, alright. Just one song.' That seemed to satisfy them, I used my wand to get some background music and I started singing Lost Boy from Ruth B (AN: really this song is frickin' beautiful!! go listen to it pleaseeee)

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