Part 27

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I'm really nervous. Today is the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament, and I am praying for it to go well. I helped Harry prepare, we decided to make Harry summon his broom and try to grab the egg. It was a pretty good strategy, but with Harry's luck anything could go wrong.

He and the other champions are inside some tent where they are waiting for the task. I decide to pay him a visit and wish him and the other champions good luck.

I found the tent, and I cautiously open it. I see the champions pacing around and looking very nervous. When Harry catches my eye I walk over to him and hug him tightly. 'Please don't die out there,' I manage to whisper. He smiles. 'I'll try my best.'

Then, we hear a "click". Damn, someone took a picture from us. None other then Rita Skeeter walks through the smoke. 'Oh, the readers will love this!' she exclaims. I roll my eyes at her, and Harry looks pretty angry. Luckily, Krum decides to step in. 'You have no business here,' he says in his Bulgarian accent. 'Doesn't matter, we already got what we wanted.'

I sigh. 'Thanks,' I say to Viktor. 'No problem,' he smiles at me. 'Good luck on the task, and remember what we prepared,' I told Harry. Then I went to Fleur, she became my friend and I wanted to wish her good luck aswell. 'Good luck today Fleur,' I say when I found her. 'I'm sure you'll do great!' She weakly smiles at me. 'Thank you, Laura,' she says in her French accent.

I also see Cedric, and he looked very stressed, so I decided to go cheer him up. 'Hey Ced!' I exclaimed. He looks up, and smiles when he sees me. 'Hey Laura!' 'Are you nervous?' I ask. He nods. 'Very.' 'Well don't worry, I'm sure you'll do great!' He seems to feek better after my words, and he smiles. 'Thanks. I'll try.'

Dumbledore came in the tent now, and I really have to go. But before I go, I turn around and say: 'Good luck everyone!' Then I quickly make my way to the stands, and it didn't take me long to find Ron and Hermione. 'Where were you?' Hermione asks. 'I was just saying the champions good luck,' I explain. She nods, and we hear the sound of the cannon. The first task has officially begun.

I cheered for Cedric, Fleur, and even Viktor, since he was so nice to me earlier. Now, I'm getting even more nervous then I was before. It's Harry's turn...

When he walks in, I cheer him on. 'Come on Harry! You got this!' It seems like he heard, because he looks in my direction and smiles. Then, suddenly, he is almost being hit by the tail of the dragon. I gasp and clench my hands on the railing, afraid of what is going to happen. Luckily, Harry managed to dodge the dragon's attack, and I sigh in relief. But the danger hasn't passed yet.

I am extremely concerned, every time the dragon breathes fire at him or tries to hit him I gasp or close my eyes. So far Harry hasn't been serioulsy injured. He got his broom (after I screamed at him to use his wand) and was flying around now, and he was actually doing a pretty good job, until the dragon broke free.

My heart was beating very fast, and I was completely shaking out of fear. The drahon was chasing him now. 'Why don't the teachers do something?' I yell. 'This is not supposed to happen!' Harry and the dragon are out of sight, and it was so silent you could hear a pin drop.

I couldn't take it anymore. I buried my face in Ron's chest and started crying. At first, he tensed up, but he quickly comforted me by hugging me and whispering thing as 'it's gonna be okay' and 'i'm here'. Then, Harry comes flying back, and I can't even begin to describe the feeling I had just then. I wiped away my tears and cheered for him along with everybody else, as he got the golden egg.

He held it up proudly, and locked eyes with me. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. Even though there were a lot of people cheering for him, I was pretty sure that I was the only one he actually heard.

Meanwhile, Malfoy looked pissed. Not that I cared though, I was just haply that Harry was still alive, and not even Malfoy could make that feeling go away. Ron, Hermione and I quickly went over to Harry as soon as he got out of the crowd.

I tackle him in a hug, and practically scream in his ear: 'You did it! You did it! You were so amazing!' I could see him blush, and he stutters a quiet "thank you". 'Don't ever scare me like that again,' I say.

Ron and Hermione congratulate Harry too, and just as we wanted to head back to the castle to celebrate his victory, a certain blonde Slytherin came to interrupt our peaceful chattering. 'That was quite a show up there, Potter,' he sneered. 'It's a shame that dragon didn't kill you though.'

Before the others could react, I stepped foreward to face Malfoy. 'Well Malfoy, I can't say you've survived a dragon attack before, so if you're trying to make Harry feel bad because he defeated a bloody dragon, I suggest you stop. Besides, I don't think you would've even dared to compete in this tournament, so you better keep your mouth shut.' I say with a fire burning in my eyes. He looks uncertain and scared, so I smirk. 'That's what I thought, Malfoy. Now go back to your dormitory before I feed you to the giant squid!'

He mumbles something I can't make out, and then hurries back to the castle followed by his goons. The trio stares at me in shock with their mouths open. 'That was... bloody brilliant!' Ron exclaims. I smile. 'Thanks. I'm not letting Malfoy ruin the happiness of the fact that Harry is still alive, safe and sound, all in one piece.' Hermione laughs at that, and Harry blushes. 'Thanks Laura,' he says quietly.

AN: hello everybody! Here I am, with a new chapter! I hope you guys like it, I'm sorry it's not very long though. I've been very busy lately, I have a lot of tests coming up and stuff. So I probably won't be able to post for a while... sorry😭💞 I'll try to post whenever I can though, I just can't make any promises. Anyways, see you soon my beloved readers!❤

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