Part 26

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It's saturday morning. It is really hot today, and I have a lot of homework so I'm sitting against a tree outside in front of the lake. At least I was until someone walked over to me. It was none other than the Fourth Champion.

'Hey Harry,' I say, not looking up from my Astronomy textbook. 'Hey Laura. Are you doing homework? On a day like this?' He asks. I nod. 'Yes, I just have a lot of homework so I wanna finish it all now so I won't have to think about it the entire weekend.'

While I was talking, Harry took my bag with books and hung them in the tree without me noticing. 'Damn it Harry!' I say annoyed when I finally realise what he had done. He just looks at me sheepishly. 'What's wrong?' I roll my eyes at him. 'Don't you have better things to do then annoy me, like, find out how to defeat a dragon?'

He just shrugged. 'What's the fun of that? Now, I'm gonna enjoy the weather.' He takes off his shirt, causing me to stare. 'Like what you see?' He grins. I just blush and look away quickly. 'Whoa whoa whoa Harry, what are you doing?' I say when he starts undressing more. He laughs, and I see he's wearing his swimwear. 'I'm going for a swim. Wanna join?' He asks with a sweet smile. 'How could I resist?' I reply.

I don't take off any clothes since I'm not wearing a swimsuit. Harry picks me up, bridal style, and jumps into the lake. When we come up, I gasp for air. 'It's so cold!' I scream. Harry just laughs at me, and dives under water. A few seconds later, his head pops up just behind me and he hugs me from the back. 'I got you,' he whispers in my ear.


I quickly took a shower, and luckily it didn't take long for my hair to dry. I picked an outfit for my trip to Hogsmeade with Oliver.

AN: this is her outfit:

Oliver agreed to wait for me just outside of the Great Hall, and so I went there

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Oliver agreed to wait for me just outside of the Great Hall, and so I went there. Hermione knows I'm going to Hogsmeade with Oliver, and started giving me meaningful glances all the time. So annoying. But I love her anyway.

I also told Ginny about it. 'My brothers won't be happy to hear it,' she replied with a grin. I assured her that this wasn't a date, just two friends hanging out, but just like Hermione she didn't believe me.

As Oliver and I agreed on, Oliver was waiting just outside of the Great Hall, and when he saw me his eyes lit up. 'You look absolutely stunning, Laura!' He said admiring me. I smile shyly. 'Thanks Ollie. Are you ready?' 'Yes, m'lady.' He hold out his arm and I take it as we walk to the carriages.

When we arrived at Hogsmeade, there was so much I wanted to see. We went to Honeydukes first, and got lots of amazing candy. I wanted to pay, but Oliver wouldn't let me. He insisted on paying.

The rest of the day we were just walking, looking inside the little shops and enjoying each others presence. 'Do you want to go to the Shrieking Shack?' He asks. I hesitate, and he notices. 'Don't worry love, I'll protect you from the ghosts,' he said with a wink.

We are now back at Hogwarts, it's pretty late and we go up to the Griffindor Common Room where we sit down on the couch. Well, Oliver sits down, and I lay with my head on his lap, he's playing with my hair.

'I really had fun today, Ollie.' I say. He smiles, and says: 'Me too.' Not long after that, I fell asleep.

Oliver POV:

Today was really the best day of my life! I got to spend the entire day with Laura, and she actually enjoyed it! I watch her sleep as I play with her hair. She's so beautiful... I don't know if she considered today as a date, but I know that I did. Even though she might not even like me in that way. I smile as I think about how adorable she looks. I want her to be mine, only mine... The other boys are probably gonna be mad at me for a pretty long time, but it was totally worth it.


I wake up in the Common Room, I fell asleep on Olivers lap. I blush at the thought. I silently stand up, trying not to wake him and I walk upstairs to change. I see that Hermione and the others are all awake, clearly tired. But that fades when I walk through the door.

'OH MY GOODNESS! HOW WAS IT?!' Hermione practically screams. The other girls are fangirling now too. 'Damn it, Hermione. Do you want to make me deaf?' I say laughing. 'It was fun.' They all exchange glances, and I quickly add: 'but it was not a date!' Funny enough, they don't seem to believe me.

I went downstairs to escape this hurricane of questions and walk to the Great Hall, where I join Harry. 'Hey champ!' I say happily. 'Morning Laura!' He says with a smile. I take a pancake from a plate and start eating it. 'Do the other champions know about the dragons?' I ask Harry. 'Fleur and Krum probably do, their headmaster probably told them.'

'Would you mind if I tell Cedric? He's the only one who doesn't know, and I want to make it fair.' I ask/say to Harry while I look at him with puppy eyes. He sighs in defeat. 'Sure, you can tell him.' 'Yay!' I say. 'Thanks Harry!' That works every time.

I stand up to find Cedric, but he isn't in the Great Hall so I go outside and I find him with his friends. 'Hey Cedric,' I say shyly. 'Can we talk?' He seems surprised, but also happy and quickly stands up while nodding. His friends keep wolf-whisteling at me, and I try my best to ignore it.

'Dragons. That's the first task.' He looks a bit taken aback. 'Are you serious?' He ask. I nod. 'Yeah, you're the only champion who doesn't know yet, so I thought I'd make this competition a little more fair.' He smiles. 'Well thanks, that's really thoughful of you.' I smile back at him, and I'm about to leave when he grabs my arm. 'I'm sorry about the others,' he says apoligising for his friends. 'Don't worry about it, it's not your fault.'

I walk away for real this time, but I'm being stopped by a farmiliar voice. 'My father and I have a bet. I think Potter won't last ten minutes. He disagrees, he bets on five.' Malfoy. I turn around to face him, and he jumps out of his tree. 'Hello beautiful,' he smirks. I just roll my eyes at him. 'Stop being such a jerk, Malfoy.'

He doesn't seem affected by this, he just keeps smirking and says: 'Don't worry, love. When Potter's dead you can always come to me for comfort.' He takes a few steps foreward and caresses my cheek, before I feel his hand leave my face. Harry is here and he pushed Malfoy away. 'Don't touch her,' Harry hisses while taking out his wand. It takes all of his power not to kill Malfoy right there right then, but he knew I wouldn't forgive him for that, even after what Malfoy's done.

I whisper to Harry that he isn't worth it, and when he seems to have calmed down a little he takes my hand and leads me away. Malfoy gives Harry a jealous/angry look. But before we go anywhere, Professor Moody takes out his wand. 'Attacking people in the back, are we?!' He screams. He turns Malfoy into a ferret, which is highly amuzing.

AN: hello to you my lovely readers! My weekend sucks, but I still enjoyed writing this💞 I hope you like it aswell!😘

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