Part 21

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I spend way too much time in the Hospital Wing, that's for sure. Most of my friends have already visited, and the trio hasn't left my side. The twins walk in, and they look worried.

'How are you feeling?' They ask in unison. I sigh. 'Honestly? I feel like I have to throw up all the time.' They look st me understanding. 'Maybe if you'll kiss someone else...' 'you wouldn't have to think about kissing him...' they said smiling. I look at them. 'That's actually a pretty good idea.' The eyes of the twins, Ron and Harty lit up as I said that. The twins meant it as a joke, but seemed rather exited when she seriously wanted to do it. 'So... who do you wanna kiss?' Hermione asked. I thought about it. 'I don't know...' I said hesitating. 'That person will have to want to kiss me too, so it's gonna be hard to find someone.'

Hermione sighs. 'You're impossible. You know what? You're just gonna kiss these four boys.' She stated. 'I'm okay with that, if you are too?' I ask the boys. They all quickly nod. The boys suddenly went pretty nervous, and started blushing. 'Let's start with Harry.' I get out of the hospital bed, and walk over to Harry. 'Thank you for saving my life,' I whispered. I lean in and my lips touch his. He's being gentle with me, and I'm grateful for that. After the kiss I smiled at him, and he just stared at me in a dreamy way. 'Who's next?'

I walk over to Ron, and kiss him. He seems to enjoy it, and I believe that this is his first kiss, so let's make it extra special. When we're done, he looks at me and can't find any words. 'I hope you enjoyed it,' I winked. He blushes, and seems to be very, very satisfied.

Then I turn to the twins. 'Who wants first?' Both of them say 'Me!' So I laugh at the sight of them blushing and kiss Fred first, and then George. They both kiss very similar, and they're pretty good at it too. They both turned red after the kiss. 'That was...' 'amazing!' They said, trying not to sound too happy. They failed.

Harry POV

I get to kiss Laura! I try not to show how nervous I am. When our lips touch, it feels like heaven! I want more, but I control myself and go easy on her. She wouldn't want to go too fast after what she went through. I stare at her dreamily, and she smiles at me sweetly. I wanna kiss her again...


She kissed me. She actually kissed me. Laura Hillcraft kissed me. BLOODY HELL LAURA HILLCRAFT KISSED ME!! She's an amazing kisser, really. It was my first kiss, and I think she noticed because she tried harder to make it perfect. Merlin, this girl is perfect! I didn't have any words to discribe how GODDAMN AMAZING that felt, but she noticed I enjoyed it.

The twins POV

We both said 'Me!' when she asked us who wanted first. We both blush, trying not to show how desperately we wanted to kiss her. We have kissed someone before, but it never felt so good as with Laura... she is so good at kissing! 'That was...' 'amazing!' We said, trying not to sound too happy. We don't believe it worked. When our lips seperated, all we could think was that we wanted more. Is it possible to be addicted to a girl?

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