Part 12

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I start shaking over my entire body. My classmates all gasp and whisper to each other, but I don't hear it. I blocked every sound as I fell onto my knees. My body felt weak, so weak that I could't stand up. The room faded and suddenly I was back in the dungeon I had spent three years of my life in fear.

I realised that I really was somewhere else, and I started freaking out. I wasn't in Hogwarts anymore, and my classmates were nowhere to be seen. I started crying. I'm back... I'm really back... This time I won't get out, what will she do to me? I thought. I heard someone come down the stairs, which made me crawl into a corner, stop crying and hold my breath.

She was there. Bellatrix LeStrange was there. She was standing right in front of me. I started screaming, hoping that the noise would somehow make her go away, dissappear, vanish, anything. But it didn't. I started crying again. 'Hello little princess. It's time to come out and play,' she said in a creepy voice. I sceamed, scared to death, I was so scared of what she was gonna do to me.

She dragged me out of the dungeon, to the Training Room. It's where she used to "train" me into being a ruthless, mugglehating killer. 'I have a surprise for you, my beautiful daughter,' she whispered in my ear. I shivered, but played along with the whole mother-daughter-thing. If I didn't, she would get upset and that would not work out great for me... 'You are going to kill someone today.' She brought in my boyfriend (ex-boyfriend), who was supposed to be dead. His name was Tony. He looked scared, and I started screaming again: 'No! Please, please just let him go!' I begged. 'Kill me, torture me, please but not him!' Bellatrix just laughed. 'If you won't do it yourself... I will make you.' She said with a playful smile on her face. 'Imperio!' I suddenly felt some kind of power over me, and all I could do was watch when I walked over to Tony.

He looked at me frightened. 'Please Laura, you have to resist it. Please...' I couldn't respond. I looked him right in the eye, tears all over my face, trying to steady my breathing. 'I'm sorry,' was the only thing I could say. My hand was shaking when I rose my wand, casting the curse. 'Avada Kedavra.' I whispered. There was a flash of green, and the next thing I saw was his body lying on the floor. His eyes were staring into nowhere, as I realised what had just happened. 'No!' I scream, my voice full of heartbreak. I feel that I'm getting control over my body again, and I immediately run over to him. I drop down next to him, holding his head in my hands. 'I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...' was all I managed to say in the following minutes. Silent tears were rolling down my face.

Bellatrix, who was standing behind me, started to applaud. 'I'm so proud of you my little girl.' Her words made me clench my fists. 'How could you!' I screamed. 'How could you make me do that!' All she did was look at me with a dissappointed look on her face. 'You didn't enjoy it?' she asks as if she had realised that just now. 'Then you need to be punished.'

She took my arm and pulled me away from the body, dragging me to the Room of Punishment. That's the room she used to punish me every time I refused to do what she commanded me to. She chained me up against the wall, and took some of her weapons out of the closet. I was still crying over Tony, I couldn't believe what I had just done. My vision was blurred from the tears, and I felt so numb I could barely understand what Bellatrix was saying to me. 'Let's start with something easy...' she said as she took a knife the size of a book. I looked at her without any emotion, and said something that came from the bottom of my heart: 'You can do to me whatever you want. I don't care anymore. I don't wanna live anymore...'

I open my eyes, immediately blinded by the white light. I hear some voices of people standing around me, all of them sounding worried. When the light faded, I could see Hermione, Harry, Ron, Draco, Fred, George, Dean, proffessor Lupin, proffessor McGonnagal, proffessor Dumbledore and madame Pomfrey, all of them looking rather tensed. 'She's awake!' Hermione yells. Everyone turns silent, clearly relieved that I was awake. I looked around, not sure where I was. Am I in the Hospital Wing? Then everything came back really fast. The DADA class with the Boggart, the dungeon, Bellatrix, Tony... I started shaking and I couldn't hold back my tears. Hermione put her arm around me and said comforting words, while the others were staring at me with concern. We sat there for at least half an hour, and I finally managed to stop shaking. 'What the hell happened?' I tried to sound strong, but I was barely able to whisper the words. Hermione is the one that answers. 'We'll tell you tomorrow. Right now you need to rest.' The others nod in agreement, and madame Pomfrey leads everyone out of the Hospital Wing. 'We'll come back tomorrow, okay?' Harry says as he turns around. I nod and give him a weak smile, which he returns. After everyone left, madame Pomfrey turned to me. 'Drink this,' she commanded. I did as I was told, and not long after that I was asleep because of the potion she had given me.

Hermione POV

Laura really scared everyone today... When she was standing in front of the Boggart, something happened that has never happened before: the Boggart went inside her head. He just dissapeared, and the class was gasping and whispering in shock, only to find out that Laura was being held captive inside her head, a prisoner of her own memories...

Draco POV

I saw what happened to Laura, and first I was in shock. Then I realised what she was so upset about that she was screaming... she was back to the dungeon of my aunt! I knew that my aunt did some terrible things to her, but I didn't know that it was that terrible... I'm glad I got her out of that place.

Harry POV

When Laura fell on her knees I ran over to her. I called her name, but she didn't respond. She looked right through me, and it really freaked me out. We quickly got her to the Hospital Wing, where madame Pomfrey and some of the proffessors helped her. I feel so sorry for her.


Her screams were terrifying. They gave me goosebumps, and when she was begging to die I started crying. We didn't know who she was talking to, but we could hear every word she said, and it was so shocking...

The twins POV

We were having Transfiguration when a first year interrupted the class. 'I have a message from proffessor Dumbledore. Miss Hillcraft is in the Hospital Wing, and the headmaster needs your help,' he quickly explained to proffessor McGonnagal. She was clearly shocked, and she rushed out of the classroom. When we heard Laura was in the Hospital Wing, we looked at each other and ran after proffessor McGonnagal, leaving the concerned class behing us. 'Can we come?' We asked in unison, even though it wasn't really a request. She hesitated, but then she nodded. It would've been a lost cause, because we would come no matter what her answer was. We were so scared for Laura. She was sitting on a hospital bed when we came in, her eyes were not focussing on anything. She was mumbling things no one understood, but when we came closer she started to scream: 'No! Please, please just let him go! Kill me, torture me, please but not him!' Then she tensed up, and went silent for a while. It was really scary, and we got tears in our eyes. Then she broke the silence: 'I'm sorry...' she whispered, her voice full of pain. 'What's going on with her?' we asked frightened. Proffessor Lupin answered, with a somewhat guilty look on his face: 'She is held captive in her own memories by a Boggart.' Her memories? We both thought. So she's been through this before? Now we get why she didn't want to talk about it...

Dean POV

I heard what she said. "Please just let him go!" were her words. Him. Who could've been the person she was talking about? I'm really ashamed of myself, because while Laura is in the Hospital Wing, I'm being jealous of the person she was talking about and obviously cared about. I wish she cared about me the way I cared about her... But first, she has to recover.

Proffessor Lupin POV

I feel so terrible. If I hadn't gotten the idea of bringing that Boggart to my class, Laura wouldn't have to go through this... She's such a sweet and innocent girl, and she doesn't deserve this.

Proffessor McGonnagal POV

That poor girl... I sniff. She's like a daughter to me, and if anything would happen to her I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. I hope she's going to be okay...

Proffessor Dumbledore POV

She has been through so much... I know she is strong, but she shouldn't have to go through this. This is the first time in history that a Boggart has been able to get inside someones head. There's something different about this girl...

AN: heyy guys! thanks for reading my storyyyyy😘😁💞 it's an extra long chapter today! Yayyyy!! It took a while, but I finished it (I had to write it three times over again). I hope you have a nice day!😘💞

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