Part 7

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Draco lets go of my hand when the two of us are standing in a quiet hallway. I hug him again. 'Thank you for saving my life,' I say truthfully. It really is true, he saved my life. He blushes but immediately hugs me back. 'I'm glad I did.' He whispers.

I let go of him and he asks: 'So how are you? What happened after you got away?' 'Well, when you gave me the keys to the dungeon, I got the hell out of that place, but not after taking a wand. I performed a spell that made my parents see where I was, and they Apparated and took me home. I never told them what happened though. I couldn't bring myself to talk about it...' He notices how hard this was for me, and he places his hand on my cheek. 'It's okay. It's over. You won't have to worry about her anymore, she's in Azkaban now.' I smile at him gratefully and hug him once more.

Draco POV

Sweet Merlin, she's so gorgeous. I never saw her, we only talked through the door of the dungeon. After I got to know her, I felt sorry for her and helped her escape, my aunt never found out it was me who helped her. But now it's all over, Bellatrix LeStrange is now locked up in Azkaban. I can see in her eyes that Laura is still being haunted by her past. Poor girl. I want to hold her and say everything is gonna be okay. I wanna grab her and kiss her... wait, what?

Harry POV

Laura and Malfoy walked out of the great hall, holding hands. I clenched my jaw at the sight, what the hell is the bully of the school doing with such a sweet girl like Laura? I'll have to ask her about it later, at least now I'll have an excuse to talk to her.


And then she was gone. She walked away with Malfoy. I might not want to admit it, but I'm pretty jealous of him right now. I look over to Harry, and I see he's thinking the exact same as I am. We're gonna ask her all about this in the common room.


The hallway we are currently standing in is no longer empty. The students are walking to their common rooms. I spot Hermione, and say to Draco: 'I'll see you later. Thanks again.' He smiles before I turn around and walk next to Hermione, who gives me a questioning look. "Later", I mouted. She nods.

After learning the password we climb through the portrait of the Fat Lady, into the Griffindor common room. I am tired from today, and wanna head upstairs to the bedrooms when someone stops me. Or rather, some people. The twins, Harry, Ron and Hermione all want an explanation. I sigh. 'Okay listen, I'm not gonna tell you everything, I'm just not ready. The only thing you should know is that Draco Malfoy saved my life last year, he's my friend now. I know you don't particulary like each other, but I am friends with all of you and I'm not gonna give up any of those friendships just because of some rivalry you have with him.' They look at me surprised and respectful, because I stood up for myself, and nodded. 'Come on.' Hermione grabbed my hand. 'Let's claim a bed.'

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