Part 23

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We have to wake up early today (which I do not like) because we're going to the Quidditch World Cup today! I'm very exited, even though I wish we would go there a little later then 5 o' clock in the morning...

I walk over to the bedroom where Ron and Harry are sleeping, and I wake them up. 'Bloody hell,' Ron says, and he starts blushing because I am in his bedroom. I smile. 'Your mother has breakfast ready. You two should get dressed.'

They didn't get dressed. Instead, they just stayed in their beds, causing us to run late. We were walking to who-knows-where, when a man greats mr Weasley. Then a boy - a very handsome boy - jumped out of a tree. 'You must be Cedric, I assume?' Mr Weasley asks. Cedric nods, and his eyes fall on me. He stares for a moment, and when he sees me looking back at him he winks. I blush and smile at him. When we continue to walk to wherever we are going, Hermione and Ginny gave each other a meaningful glare. 'Oh shut it,' I muttered.

Then, we all had to hold on to a boot, which was a portkey, and Ron, Harry, Hermione and me fell onto the ground, while the others just walked out of the air (like wtf, how did they do that?!). Cedric helps me to stand up and smiles when I stand. 'Thanks,' I say. 'No problem.'

When we arrived, my jaw literally dropped. There were tents and supporters everywhere, in the colors of their favorite team. We continued to walk as we seperated from Cedric and his father, and we stopped in front of a small tent. We look at mr Weasley with a questioning look on our face, but he just smiles and says: 'Home sweet home.' We entered the little tent to find out that it was much larger from the inside. The girls and I immediately claimed a bed.

We were walking up the stairs to our seats, when the Malfoy family stopped us. 'We're sitting in the Ministry Lounge, on invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself!' Draco said. 'That's great for you! Then you found at least someone who wants to sit with you.' I snap at him. 'You're a feisty one,' Lucius Malfoy said. 'You should remember that,' I said before turning around. Damn, I really started to hate this man...

I sit next to Harry and Hermione, and Ron is sitting on Harry's other side. Then I saw some creatures on the field that I recognised. Oh no... 'Boys, cover your ears,' mr Weasley said. He's a wise man. Most of his sons listened to him, but Harry and Ron just looked at him confused.

Then the Veela's started dancing, and the boys looked as if they were mesmerised. They were about to go down there, but I could stop them just before they did. 'Harry, Ron, please listen to me. Focus on my voice, don't go down there,' I begged. Surprisingly, they got out of their trance and looked at me confused. 'What was that?' Harry asks. 'They are called Veela's. You're welcome by the way.' I said smiling. The boys thanked me with a blush on their cheeks, as we watched the game.

We're back in the tent now, and everyone is teasing Ron about his "love" for Victor Krum. 'God damn it Ron, you're talking about him almost as much as you talk about Laura,' Hermione sighs. Ron turns red at that comment, glaring at me to see if I heard it. Fred and George were just singing when mr Weasley stopped them. 'Death Eaters,' he quickly explained. I turned very pale. Maybe Bellatrix is here...

We all walk outside. 'Fred, George, Ginny and Laura are your responsibility,' mr Weasley says. The twins nod, Fred takes my arm and George takes Ginny's. 'It's gonna be okay,' Fred whispers in my ear. We were just inside of the woods when I realised something. Harry isn't here... Meanwhile Fred and George had let go of me and Ginny, so I could easily sneak away. I magically wrote a quick note to the others telling that I was finding Harry, and I magically made it appear in Fred's hand. I quickly turned around and ran in the other direction.

'Damn it Harry, where are you?' I said underneath my breath. I decided to turn myself invisible, in case I stumbled across a Death Eater. I walked between the burnt tents, when I saw someone laying on the ground. Oh Merlin... it's Harry! I ran over to him, and made myself visible again. 'Harry! Please wake up,' I begged. He slowly opened his eyes, and I let out a sigh of relief. 'Don't scare me like that!'

'Stupify!' We heard multiple people scream. Harry and I ducked just in time, and mr Weasley stopped the attackers. 'Are you okay?' He asks us. We both nod. 'Who of you cast it?' 'Don't be silly, they're kids!' 'I'm sure they know the spell!' Harry is confused. 'What are you talking about?' I point up at the sky. 'It's the Dark Mark Harry, his mark...' I whisper.

Timeskip to the Hogwarts Express

I said goodbye to Bill, Charlie, mr and mrs Weasley, and we stepped into the train. We all had an amazing time this summer, but we're still glad that we get to go back to Hogwarts. The others kept talking about what happened at the World Cup, but I was done talking about it and stared out of the window.

We sat down in the Great Hall. While I sat down, I felt a lot of eyes on me, but I just ignored it. Proffessor Dumbledore announced that the Triwizard Tournament was going to happen at Hogwarts this year. 'Why would you wanna enter that? It sounds dangerous,' I whisper. Harry nods in agreement.

'And now let us welcome the lovely ladies from Beauxbatons, with their headmistress madame Maxime.' A group of girls came in, doing a wave thingy, but it clearly didn't get the effect that they had hoped. The boys didn't start swooning over them like they should. A little disturbed they took place at the Ravenclaw table. 'And now we'll welcome the boys from Durmstrang with their headmaster Igor Karkarov.' I watched a group of boys walk in, with sticks that made sparkles when they hit the floor (it was actually kinda impressive) and then stood in front of the Great Hall. I could see that most of them were staring at me, and I blushed. They took place at the Slytherin table.

Dumbledore explains how the Goblet of Fire works (the twins start complaining after they hear that they are not allowed to enter, they keep screaming 'rubbish!' at the man who announces it), and after the Feast we head back to our dormitory. I get stopped by one of the girls of Beauxbatons. 'Hello, I'm Fleur Delacour,' she said. 'Hi, I'm Laura Hillcraft,' I smiled at her. 'We were hoping for a grand entrance, but that didn't work out so well. Normally all the boys start drooling over us, but they didn't here. They only had eyes for you. It must be exhausting to be a Veela,' she laughed. 'Excuse me?' I asked with a questioning look on my face. 'You are not a Veela? That's impossible! I have never seen a human have that effect on men before,' she says admiring. I shyly tuck my hair behind my ear. 'Are you going to put your name in the Goblet?' I ask. She nods. 'You're too young, right?' 'Yeah, but I wouldn't do it even if I was old enough.' 'Why not?' She asks. 'It sounds dangerous,' I admit. She smiles. 'I'm sure you would do great.' I smile. 'Thanks. I have to go now, I'll see you later!' She says goodbye too and we go seperate ways. I enter the common room where Ron, Harry and Hermione are talking about the tournament.

'I would never ever enter such thing,' Hermione stated. 'I might be booksmart, but when I have to perform under pressure... I'm not sure I can handle that.' 'I agree,' Harry says. 'Who would wanna risk his own life just for some silly game?' 'I would!' Ron brings in. 'Eternal glory, can you imagine! What do you think, Laura?' He asks when he sees me. 'I'm with Harry and Hermione on this one,' I say while sitting down. 'Fred and George are trying to get in I heard,' Harry said. Hermione chuckles. 'Whatever they come up with, it's not gonna work!'

AN: I hope you still like the story! I think I'm only gonna write and post on weekends, because I have more time then, but it's possible I post on a school day when I feel like it. Anyways, love to you all!💞

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