Part 31

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The next morning I was still feeling down from the argument I had with Ron, and I was still feeling guilty about the whole Cho situation. Hermione noticed my change in behavior and decided to cheer me up.

'Laura, guess what?' I lazily turned my head to face her. 'What?' She smirks devilishly. 'Fred and George couldn't stop talking about you last night. I'm telling you, they're head over heals!' I just scoffed. 'Sure, and I'm a muggle.' She sighs. 'Does this have to do with what happened with Ron the other night?' I must've given her a questioning look, because she quickly explained. 'Harry filled me in.' It was my turn to sigh. 'Yes, it does have to do with Ron. But that's not the only thing.' Now I had her undivided attention. 'Pray tell.'

'I was upset about what happened with Ron, and I needed to calm down, so I went to take a walk through the castle. You know, to clear my head. But Cedric was there too-'

'Cedric Diggory?' she interrupts. I nodded. 'Yes, him. As I was saying, he was there too, and I sat down beside him and we talked for a bit... and that's when we noticed the mistletoe...'

'You kissed him?' Hermione squealed. I quickly shush her. 'Not everyone in the castle needs to know, Mione!' 'Right, sorry. But seriously, that's sooooo amazing!' I sighed again. 'Well... It wasn't as great as it seems. Well, the kiss was great... I mean...' The smirk that appeared on her face made me turn a deep shade of red. 'Moving on,' I nervously laughed. 'Cho appeared while we were kissing, and she seemed... upset.'

Hermione's smirk fades. 'Oh no.' 'Exactly,' I said miserably. For a moment she stayed silent, but it seemed she had made up her mind on what to do next. 'You know what? You're gonna forget about Cho, Ron, and everyone else that made you upset. Let's go get some breakfast.' I followed her to the Great Hall, and while we were walking she told me all about the fun night she had with Viktor. I was thankful for that, because at least now I had a distraction.

Once we entered the Great Hall, a lot of eyes were on me. I honestly felt a little self-conscious, but Hermione assured me that it was probably nothing. We sat down and loaded our plates with food, talking about the Tournament and predicting who was going to win. And ofcourse, when you speak of the devil... Harry and Ron entered, and hesitantly sat on the opposite side of the table. I did my best to try and look down and focus on my food, but that turned out to be really hard when a certain ginger was staring intensely at me.

He finally breaks the silence. 'I'm sorry,' he blurts out. 'For being such a terrible person. I shouldn't have said those things, I'm really sorry.' I decided to play with him a little. 'You think I'm going to forgive you?' I exclaimed in a dramatic way. He seemed sad and surprised at my sudden outburst. He started stuttering, I couldn't really make out the words, and I decided to put him out of his misery. 'I will.' The look of utter confusion that was plastered on his face was priceless. 'You-what?' 'I'll forgive you, silly!' I laughed. He looked genuinely relieved, so sweet.

The four of us were happily chatting about things that really don't matter, but were interrupted by a familiar Ravenclaw girl making her way over to our table. Here we go, I thought. Let's get this over with. She came to a stop right in front of me, and I decided to do some damage control. 'Hi Cho,' were the words to come out of my mouth. 'Listen, I'm so-' 'Don't worry about it,' she quickly said. 'I'm over it. I came here to ask Hermione something about our Transfiguration homework.'

While she and Hermione discussed how to turn a piece of parchment into a hairbrush, I laughed at the silly conversation Harry and Ron were having ("Is there something like a male veela?"). I barely even noticed that Cho slid into the seat next to me. My favorite twins appeared on either side of Ron, and they put their hands on his shoulders.

'So, little brother...'

'have you apologized to our beloved Laura yet?'

Ron quickly nodded, and I confirmed. 'Good. By the way, Laura, we had a great time yesterday,' Fred said with a happy glint in his eyes. George nodded in agreement. 'Absolutely. Can't wait to do it again!' They both winked and went to sit with Lee Jordan, leaving me with an amused smile on my face. Cho had left by now, I take a sip of my drink and listen to Hermione talking about how Cho was asking some valid questions about the homework, and I see the boys drifting off to sleep. I silently chuckle, but my laughing quickly turned into coughing.

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