Part 11

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I sit at the Griffindor table in the great hall all alone, the others aren't awake yet so the table is pretty empty, as the twins both sit next to me on different sides of me.

'What the hell have you done to Percy?' Fres says with an amuzed tone in his voice. I look at him confused. 'He's very nervous, and stuttering all the time, and when he hears your name he goes all red,' George explains with a smirk. 'So what did you do?' Fred asks again. I smile mischievously and tell them about last night.

'Wow, then I'm pretty sure he's into you, Laura!' Fred says with an almost dissapointed voice. 'Yeah, but I guess that's no surprise if you realise what girl we're talking about.' George smirks at me, and I blush. 'Awhh, I made the Griffindor Princess blush, how adorable!' He shouts. I slap him, and he looks at me with puppy eyes. 'That doesn't work on me,' I say after slapping him again. 'But what do you mean with Griffindor Princess?' Fred looks at me with a surprised look on his face. 'You don't know? Everyone calls you that, since you're the most beautiful girl at Hogwarts! All the boys want you, you know.' He says.

I have a hard time trying not to burst out into laughter. 'You're kidding, right?' I ask them. They look at me like I'm crazy. 'You seriously haven't noticed?' They say in unison. I realise that they're being serious. 'Impossible.' I said.

Not long after that Ron and Harry came to sit with us too, both still very sleepy. 'Morning guys!' I say cheerful. They smile and seem to have waken up a bit. 'Morning Laura!' 'So what classes do we have today?' I ask them. Harry is the one that answers: 'First we have Herbology, after that we have Divination and lastly Defence Against the Dark Arts.' I nod. That's not too bad.

Not much happened during Herbology, but some things in the other classes are worth mentioning. I sit around a table at Divination with Hermione, who clearly doesn't like Divination. As soon as professor Trelawny got over the shock of Harry having the Grimm, ahe continues to check the teacups of the students. When she stops at our table, she asks Hermione for my cup. She sighs, but hands it over anyway. Professor Trelawny spontanely drops the cup, and it shatters into a dozen pieces. I look at her quite shocked. 'Are you okay, professor?' I ask worried. She blinks a few times, then looks at me. 'Poor girl...' she shook her head sadly. 'Poor poor girl...' That's the only thing she says during the rest of class, leaving me quite scared.

As we walk to DADA (Defence Against the Dark Arts) Hermione assures me there is nothing to be afraid of. 'She didn't even say what all of that commotion was about, so she probably didn't even see anything in your cup. Don't let that crazy person get into your head. I nod, she's probably right.

Our teacher is professor Lupin, he's the best teacher we've ever had. We're going to have to face a boggart today. We all form a line, and we were given the assignment to think about what scares you most. As the others laugh at the sight of Snape in Neville's grandmothers clothes, I'm trying to figure out what my greatest fear is. But I'm scared of so many things! It could be darkness, small spaces, a dead body... I still haven't figured it out, and I find myself standing in front of the line. The boggart turns to me, and turns into my greatest fear...

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