Part 14

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Time has passed, and it's a few days later. It's evening now, and I'm bored out of my mind. I'm the only one in the Hospital Wing, so there is no one to talk to. Hermione brought me some books a few days ago, but I already finished them, and no one could come visit me in the evening because if they did they would be cought by Filch.

I'm playing with my hair when I suddenly realise something: I'm a witch. Well, duhh, but I mean I can summon things with my wand. So after this genius realisation I grabbed my wand and said: 'Accio diary.' I hadn't written in it for a while, and I thought I should keep Tom up to date.

I also summoned a quill and ink, and started writing to my pen pal.

Hey Tom! I'm sorry I haven't talked (or whatever you call it) to you for a while. There's been some stuff going on.

I didn't have to wait longer than a minute, because I quickly got a response.

Hello Laura! It's nice to know you're thinking about me ;)  What happened over there?

I became a prisoner in my own memories because of a Boggart... Merlin I hate those creatures. Oh yeah, and I also told my friends about my past. It wasn't easy to talk about, but I'm glad they know now.

Merlins beard! Are you okay?

Yes, I've been in the Hospital Wing for a few days now, but I'll be discharged soon.

Good. Your life is pretty... interesting.

I know, right? Dumbledore told me that because of Bellatrix torturing me with magic and electricity at the same time I might have some side-effects... Just great, isn't it?

Wow, that's never happened before. Maybe you'll have some sort of superpowers, that would be pretty awesome.

Yes it would! Wait a minute... Are you trying to say that I'm not awesome already?

No ofcourse not! You're the most awesome person I have ever met.

Awhh thanks Tom! I gotta go now, bye!

Bye Laura!

I closed the diary and started to feel tired. So I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep. I dreamed about Tom, you know. It was a pretty vague dream, but I could tell Tom was there, and he was talking to me... I just could't hear what he was saying.

When I woke up, I got amazing news: I'm being discharged! I smiled happily while taking my stuff back to the common room, where I was being hugged by Hermione. 'I'm so glad you're back!' she said. 'Thanks, Mione!' I smiled. 'I'm glad to be back too.'

After I put my stuff on my bed we walked down to the library. Hermione told me about all the things I had missed in class, for example the lesson of Care of Magical Creatures where Malfoy got "hurt". 'You learned about Hippogrifs?!' I said in disbelieve. 'I'm gonna have to ask Hagrid if he wants to them to me, I love magical creatures, and I read so many things about Hippogrifs.' 'I'm not sure he's up for it,' Hermione says. I look at her confused. 'He has been really down because of what happened, he is drunk most of the time.' Note to myself: I gotta comfort Hagrid. He's always there for me and he's so sweet, I should be there for him.

We borrowed a few books and headed back to the common room when I remembered my conversation with Dumbledore. 'I'll be back later. Gotta go see Dumbledore.' Hermione nodded and walked ahead, while I turned around to go find Dumbledores office. I paused in front of the statue. Dumbledore had given me a note which held the password to his office. 'Sherbet Lemon,' I said, shortly before stepping on the spiraling stairs.

I knock on the door. 'Come in,' I hear the headmaster say. I open the door and I'm immediately amazed by the phoenix I see. 'Hello proffessor,' I say politely. 'What's the name of your phoenix?' He smiles, and says: 'His name is Fawkes. Beautiful, isn't he?' I nod as I continue to admire the creature. Then I realise what I came here for. 'You wanted to find out the side-effects, proffessor?' He nods, and gestures me to take a seat. I sit down in front of his desk, and I ask: 'Do you have any ideas on what the side-effects could be, proffessor?' He looks at me, and then nods again. 'I have a suspicion. I believe that you have recieved powers others can only dream of; they just haven't been triggered yet.' I try very hard not to be too enthusiastic right now, so I just nod. 'How do you think we can trigger them?' He seems to be thinking for a minute, before he says: 'Follow me.' I stand up to follow him, as he leads me to a room with nothing in it. And with nothing, I mean literally nothing. No chair, no lamp, nothing. I look at him with a questioning look on my face, and he explains: 'I think that the only thing you need to do to trigger your powers, is being isolated. Clear your mind, and everything will fall into place. Unless you don't want to do this, ofcourse.' I hesitate. 'How long will I have to stay here?' 'As long as it takes to trigger your powers. But don't worry, you can get out any time you want to. If it doesn't work today, we can try again tomorrow.' I nod. 'I'll do it.' 'Good.' Dumbledore smiles as he closes the door, leaving me alone in the dark room.

It's pretty scary in here. The silence is killing me, so I start singing the first song that comes to mind: Power Over Me by Dermot Kennedy.

I wanna be king in your story
I wanna know who you are
I want your heart to beat for me
Oh I-
Want you to sing to me softly
'Cause then I'm outrunning the dark
That's all that love ever thought me
Oh I-

Call and I'll rush out
All out of breath now

You've got that power over me, my my
Everything I hold dear resides in those eyes
You've got that power over me, my my
The only one I know, the only one on my mind
You've got that power over me (my my)
Got that power over me (my my)
You've got that power over me

Remember the lake in the moonlight?
Remember you shivered and shone?
I'll never forget what you looked like
On that night
But I know that time's gonna take me
I know that day's gonna come
I just want the devil to hate me
Oh I-

Call and I'll rush out
All out of breath now

You've got that power over me, my my
Everything I hold dear resides in those eyes
You've got that power over me, my my
The only one I know the only one on my mind
You've got that power over me (my my)
Got that power over me (my my)
You've got that power over me

It was all in doubt
They were all around

So we'll hide away and never tell
You decide if darkness knows you well
That lesson of love, all tha it was
I need you to see

You've got that power over me, my my
Everything I hold dear resides in those eyes
Got that power over me, my my
The only one I know the only one on my mind
You've got that power over me

I know that I let her down, no
Let her down, no

You've got that power over me, my my
Everything I hold dear resides in those eyes
Got that power over me, my my
The only one I know the only one on my mind
You've got that power over me

When I was singing, nothing around me mattered anymore. I was so focussed on my voice, that I hadn't even noticed the way my eyes lit up and the way the chamber was now covered in light. I heard the door open and when I saw Dumbledore, I could see he was smiling. 'It worked.'

AN: heyy everyone! I uploaded again, I hope you like this chapter😘 I wanna say something by the way. I am not gonna copy scenes from the book from J. K. Rowling, and just add another character to it. I might write about an event J. K. Rowling wrote about just because it's good for the plot, but I wanna keep this book original. So sometimes I will just say: you all know what happened next, so I'm gonna skip this part. I hope you don't mind, because this way I'll have more space to write about the boys (*swoon*). I love you guys!!💞💞

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