Part 19

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Today was amazing. The girls are already asleep, so I take out Tom Riddles diary to chat.

Hey Tom! Merry Christmas :)

Merry Christmas Laura! Did you get any nice gifts?

Yes, mostly candy, but I also got a note and a rose from someone...

Who was it from?

I don't know, it didn't say. It only said: "You're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Merry Christmas!" But I'm not sure if it's real or some sort of joke.

I think it's real. I mean, you're so kind, no one would joke you like that. Everyone loves you!

Awhh thanks Tom!

Did you like the rose?

Yes it's beautiful! I put it in a vase next to my bed.

So you had a nice day today?

The best I have had in ages. Thanks for asking :)

No problem. I'm glad you had a good day :)

Goodnight Tom!

Goodnight Laura!

I smelled the rose before closing my eyes. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.

I woke up, and I was a little confused. I had a strange feeling, I wasn't sure what it was. But I liked it. Cheerfully I walked downstairs to get breakfast. The others were already there. 'Hi guys!' I said cheerfully. 'Hey Laura! What are you so happy about?' Hermione asked. 'No idea,' I said with a smile. Hermione laughed and shook her head. 'You're so weird...' The boys laughed, and that gave me a reason to throw something at their heads. They ducked just in time, I don't even know what I was throwing. I smirked and finished breakfast. 'I'm heading back to the common room. See you later!' I said with a bright smile. 'Bye Laura!'

Third person POV

After Laura had walked away, Harry asked curiously: 'What do you think she's so happy about?' Hermione grins, as she says: 'I think she's in love...' The eyes of all of the surrounding boys lit up, but that quickly turned into anger, sadness and dissapiontment when she adds: 'And I think it has something to do with her secret admirer...'

Hermione POV

When I said that I thought Laura was in love with her secret admirer, the boys turned all grumpy and sad. And then it hit me. EVERY BOY SITTING AROUND ME RIGHT NOW IS INTO LAURA!!! How could I be so blind?? But Laura doesn't see it eighter. I kinda feel sorry for the boys, but I'm happy for Laura. Not only is she in love, if that doesn't work out she can pick one of the other boys, who all would be so happy to be with her. Wow, she's so lucky. Everyone falls for her. But how can they not? I mean, she's beautiful, kind, smart, she has everything!

The twins POV

'She has a secret admirer?! And she's in love with him?!' We yell surprised. Well actually, we're not really surprised, because we are talking about the Griffindor Princess. But we are so dissapionted. If she really loves her secret admirer, we don't stand a chance.

Harry POV

She's in love! I thought happily. Would I be the one she loves? No, probably not, she will never choose someone like me... All of my hopes faded when I heard that she loved the secret admirer. Damn it. The only person I ever loved is in love with someone else... I was crying inside but I kept myself strong.


She's in love... with her secret admirer. My mood just switched from hopeful to hurt. I was moody the rest of the morning and when I got to the dorm I felt my cheeks turn wet from my tears.

Third person POV

'She has a secret admirer?! And she's in love with him?!' The entire Great Hall went quiet. This has to be about Laura Hillcraft. The girls whispered exitedly, but the boys on the other hand were in a bad mood. The love of their life loves someone else... Draco found it hard not to cry. 'Are you okay, Draco?' Pansy Parkinson asked. Draco just nodded and left, he needed to be alone right now. Blaise, Dean, Colin and Percy heard it too and they all thought the same thing: I want her to be mine, but I guess I'm too late...


I still felt really weird, but in a good way. When I was back in the common room it was empty, so I took Tom Riddle's diary and started chatting again.

Hey Tom!

Hey Laura! How are you doing today?

I'm feeling great! I don't know why, but I'm extremely happy!

I'm glad to hear that. What if I told you there was a way for us to meet in person?

Really Tom? That would be amazing! Tell me, how are we gonna do that?

You have to bring this diary to the Chamber of Secrets, that's in the girls bathroom. You know how to get there, right?

Yes, Harry told me.

Good, now go. I'll tell you what to do when you get there.

Okay. I'm so exited Tom!

I quickly put my bag in my dorm, and rushed outside. I am really gonna meet Tom today! I have no idea why, but I suddenly felt even more happy than before. I went into the girls bathroom, where Myrtle looked up. 'Hey Laura!' I ignored her. All I wanted was to get to the Chamber of Secrets, so I could get to Tom. 'Laura?' She asked. I still didn't answer her, and said something in Parseltongue (I can talk to all animals, remember?) which made the entrance appear. I went down and walked over to the Chamber. I was there, and I opened the diary for further instructions.

I'm here Tom. What do I need to do now?

Good. Now you need to get a knife and hurt yourself. Stab yourself in your arm, that way you won't die yet but you'll still give me enough power to be there with you.

Okay Tom.

Normally I would have thought that I was crazy even to listen to him, but for some reason I didn't care. I magically made a knife appear, and I took it with my right hand. I took a deep breath and without even thinking twice I stabbed myself in my left arm with the knife. It hurted like hell, but I continued, until I saw Tom appear in front of me. 'Tom!' I said happily. I threw the knife on the ground, and hugged him.

He hugged me back, and I couldn't control myself anymore. I needed him. I needed his touch, his carresses... I kissed him, and he immediately kissed me back. It was heaven, I didn't want to stop. We kissed for so long, and when he pulled away, I was desperate for more. 'No please Tom, don't stop!' I begged. He looked at me with desire in his eyes, clearly liking the fact that I was begging. He smirked, and he kissed me again. It was the most amazing thing I had ever felt.

AN: you're all probably very confused right now, but don't worry, an explanation is coming up! You'll understand everything when you read the next chapter. Love you all!💞

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