Part 22

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It's been a few months since the Tom-incident. I'm trying my best to forget it. Today, Buckbeak is getting executed. We are at Hagrids house, trying to comfort Hagrid. 'Can I see him one last time?' I ask. Hagrid nods, and heads me outside. I start crying. 'Oh Buckbeak, I don't want you to die!' He lets me pet him, and he says: 'It's gonna be okay. I won't feel any pain, you don't have to worry about me.'

We were walking back to the castle when we saw a certain blonde Slytherin boy with his two bodyguards. They were talking about the execution, but they were rudely interrupted by me. 'This is all your fault!' I screamed at him. 'Buckbeak is innocent, you know that too. You're the reason he's gonna die, his blood is on your hands! You may have saved my life once, but you have changed. I am not your friend anymore, you're just as bad as your father!'

I pointed my want at him, but Ron said: 'No Laura, please! He's not worth it.' I had tears in my eyes, as I lowered my wand. Draco was very hurt by my words, I could tell, but he just kept on hiding his feelings underneath his smirk as usual. I got mad again. I turned around, causing him to sigh in relief, but before he could say anything I hit him in the face. Silent tears were now falling down my cheeks. 'I hope you're happy with yourself, Draco,' I whispered. He and his bodyguards ran away, leaving us alone to hear the execution. I didn't stop crying, and Ron comforted me.

AN: you all know what happens next. I'm gonna skip this part because it is exactly the same as J.K. Rowlings book besides from one extra character. I wanna be original, so just pretend that she went back in time with Harry and Hermione. Now I'm gonna continue the story from after the moment they saved Sirius. Enjoy!😘💞

It was almost summer break. I was talking to Oliver in the common room, because I had already packed my things. 'Even though I'm graduated, I'm coming back next year,' he explained. (AN: yes, I'm gonna make Oliver come back next year! Muahahaha😈) 'I'm gonna help madame Hooch with the flying lessons for the first years,' he says proudly. 'That's amazing! I'm so happy for you!' He blushes, and thanks me. 'I guess you're gonna have to pull up with me for a little longer then, Ollie!' I laugh. He smiles at his nickname. 'I think I can handle it,' he says with a wink.

We're sitting in the compartment on the Hogwarts Express now. I'm sitting with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Harry and Ron are talking about what they are gonna do during summer break, when I suddenly realise something. 'I don't have anywhere to go!' I say. 'My old house has been given to friends of my parents according to their will, so I can't stay there!' 'Don't worry,' Ron says. 'You can stay at my place.' I look at him. 'Are you sure?' I ask. He nods. 'Ofcourse! It's not a problem at all! Hermione and Harry are coming a few weeks too, it will be fun!'

The train stops, and we take our trunks. 'But Ron, I don't wanna be a burden to your family,' I say. 'You won't be, really! Come on, let's ask my mon if it's okay!' He drags me to his mother. 'Hello mr and mrs. Weasley!' I say shyly. The other Weasleys aren't here yet. 'I wanted to ask if Laura could stay over at our place during the summer, she has nowhere else to go!' Mrs Weasley smiles at me kindly. 'Ofcourse you can stay! I'll cook for you, you really have to eat some more honey!' She says referring to me being so thin. I smile. 'Thank you so much! That's really kind of you!'

The other children of the Weasleys have questioning looks on their faces when they see me standing with their parents. 'Laura is staying over this summer,' Ron explains. They all smile, and the twins say: 'Great! Then you can come...' 'to the Quidditch World Cup with us!' I smile. 'That would be amazing!'

When we arrive at the Weasley house, I am amazed by how adorable it looks. I sleep in Ginny's room, I actually got really close to Ginny while I was staying there. The next few weaks were full of laughing because of Fred and George's pranks, and I really loved staying at the Weasley house.

After a weak, the other two Weasleys (Bill and Charlie) came home too. 'Hi mom!' They both said while being hugged by their mother. I smiled, and then they noticed me. 'What is this beautiful girl doing here?' Bill asks. 'Her name is Laura,' his mother answers. 'She's staying with us this summer.' 'Hi, I'm Charlie,' one of them introduced himself. I smile. 'I'm Laura Hillcraft. It's a pleasure to meet you!' Bill also introduced, and he even kissed my hand causing me to blush. 'Oh give her a break,' Ginny laughed as she pulled me away from the boys.

Two weaks before school started, Harry and Hermione arrived too. It was the best summer ever. This is the best family I could ever wish for, together with my parents ofcourse. Hermione, Ginny and me got very close, even closer then we were before and I really loved our friendship. We stayed up late, mostly talking about boys. 'Who of my brothers would you kiss if you had to choose one?' Ginny asked. Hermione thought about it, and answered: 'Ron. He's closest to my age.' Then Ginny turned to me. 'I already kissed three of them,' I laughed, and the girls laughed too.

'Laura, are you and Oliver together or something?' Hermione asks on a playful tone. I roll my eyes. 'No, we're not. We're just friends.' 'Yeah sure,' Ginny said, and we all burst into laughter. 'He's coming to the Quidditch World Cup too, isn't he?' Hermione asked. I shrug. 'I haven't asked him. But he'll probably be there, since he's addicted to Quidditch.' I said. 'Or is he gonna be there 'cause he is addicted to you?' Ginny winks. We all laugh. 'He didn't even know I was coming, you idiot!' I tell her. I'm pretty exited for the World Cup. I'm not into Quidditch that much, but it's gonna be fun with these idiots by my side.

AN: yes, you're reading it right: I'm gonna continue this story in the fourth book of J.K. Rowling!! I hope you like the story so far, xx😘💞

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