Part 28

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Everyone went back into the castle to celebrate the amazing performances of the chapions. Pretty much everyone from Gryffindor stayed in the Common Room that night to party. Harry was being carried on the twins shoulders, and he seemed exited for the clue. I think he was happy to be the center of the attention for something he did right, rather than being the Boy Who Lived.

'Do you want me to open it?' He asked. The crowd cheered, and I happily cheer along. 'Do you really want me to open it?'

The second he opened the egg, I wish he hadn't. The sound was complete torture. The twins covered their ears along with everyone else, causing Harry to fall. I chuckle at that, and Harry glares at me.

'What the bloody hell was that?' Everyone turned around to see Ron standing there. 'Alright everyone, get back to your knitting!' Fred shouted. 'Yeah, no one needs to hear their couples therapy,' George adds in. I grin and they both wink at me before leaving to talk to Lee Jordan.

Harry and Ron are finally done fighting! Yayyy! Now everyone's happy again. I'm really glad though, because I didn't like it when they were fighting. Especially because they wanted me to choose sides. Luckily, I don't have to now.

'Boys,' Hermione whispers while rolling her eyes. I nod in agreement.

Later that night, when most of the students went to bed, the trio and I stayed in the Common Room to catch up. 'Laura kept telling me that you didn't put your name in, but I didn't think it was true,' Ron admits. 'Well next time you better listen to me,' I say sternly. He blushes and starts stuttering things like "sorry" and "you're right" and "I should've listened to you". 'It's okay, I forgive you,' I say while giving him a sweet smile.


Proffessor McGonnagal had the entire Gryffindor House to come to the Great Hall for an announcement. I expected the other houses to be there too, but I was rather confused when they weren't there. Is she gonna lecture us? I thought. But not long after I was proven wrong.

She explained all about the Yule Ball (AN: I am not gonna write that whole speech down because 1. I don't know the exact words and 2. it will be boring for you to read) and told us that it was a dance. I lean towards Hermione, and whisper: 'Imagine Snape doing this for Slytherin.' She snickered, and I started laughing along when Ron was called foreward to dance with McGonnagal.

'Now, everyone, take a partner and start practicing,' she said. The girls all stood up rather quickly, and I followed their lead. I gave Hermione a pleading look, but she just gave me an encouraging smile.

The boys didn't seem to want to dance (and I didn't blame them), but Neville stood up confidently. I admire that boys bravery. He walked towards me, and suddenly all of that bravery was gone. 'W-would you like to d-dance with me, L-Laura?' I kindly smile at him. 'Ofcourse I would.' I heard multiple gasps coming from the girls, but I just ignored them. I didn't see, however, the jealous looks Neville was getting from the boys.

We danced all afternoon, and let me tell you that Neville is a pretty good dancer. Harry and Ron seemed in a mood that same evening, and Hermione told me that they would be fine.

Just when I was about to fall asleep, I heard Hermione's voice. 'Can I talk to you, Laura?' I was confused, but nevertheless I agreed. 'Sure.' We went downstairs to the Common Room and sat down in front of the fireplace, where Ginny also sat. 'Hey Ginny. Why are you still up?' I questioned her. She sighed. 'There is something Hermione and I have to discuss with you.'

I was even more confused right now, so I gestured for them to keep talking. 'Well... I don't really know how to say this...' Hermione unsurely began. But Ginny interrupted: 'We know that there are a lot of people who want to ask you to the Yule Ball, but... we overheard some Hufflepuff girls saying how some boys here see you as a... lust object.' I gave her a weird look, and Hermione took a deep breath. 'It's true, I swear. Everytime we walk through the halls I can see boys wolf-whistling and checking you out...' she trailed off.

'What we're trying to say is, be careful with choosing your date to the ball. Fred and George offered to be your personal bodyguards, so if you want you can take them up on that offer.' I nod. 'I'll think about it. Thank you for telling me this.'

AN: heyy guys! I wanna apoligise for the short chapter, it's just that I am writing this on mytablet, and I have this keyboard connected to it, but the keyboard is kinda glitching. And just typing it on my tablet is hard... it's not really working. But fear not: I am thinking about buying a laptop soon, so that writing will be easier. Also, who do you want her to go to the Yule Ball with? Leave a name in the comments❤

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