Part 25

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Today, Harry had to give an interview. He begged me to come with him, so I'm standing in the corner of the room while Rita Skeeter is talking to the Champions.

I wasn't really listening to what she was saying, but I did hear that the interview was going to begin, and she was going to start with Harry. I gave him a sympathetic look, and he weakly smiled at me.

Just before they got into the broom closet, Rita turned around to face me. 'Oh and I want to speak to you too, dear. Follow me.' I shyly look around to make sure that I'm te one she's talking to, and when I made sure of it I went into the closet, Harry held the door open for me.

'Ah, a real gentleman he is,' Rita sighs. 'Don't you think, Laura?' I start blushing, and then softly reply: 'Yes. Yes, he is.' Harry smiles and blushes at my words, which gave Rita Skeeter a reason to glance at us and cheer: 'Young love, so adorable.'

My cheeks turned an even darker shade of red while I started denying it, but Harry just looked at the floor which became very interesting all of a sudden.


I'm sitting in the Great Hall alone, until someone comes over to me.

'Can you believe this?!' Hermione yells in anger. A few heads turn our way, as she forcefully places the newspaper on the table. 'It says, and I quote: "Laura Hillcraft, who has suffered great pain and loss, is now starting to see the brighter side of life. She decided to get involved in a relationship, with none other than Harry Potter, the Boy who Lived. It is really touching that the two find support in each other in times of need. Although I'm not sure if Laura, who is known for being a player, is going to lead Harry on much longer or if she's going to ditch him for another boy."

My mouth fell open and my eyes widened. 'What?!' I yell, maybe a little too loudly, as I take the newspaper from Hermione. I look over the words, and Hermione was telling the truth: it was on the frontpage. Anger boiled up inside me. 'How could she do that?!'

Hermione sits down in front of me and sighs. 'Something's up with that Skeeter woman,' she says darkly. 'I totally agree,' I say while taking another bite from my sandwich. Harry and Ron walk over to us, and they feel confused when they see the look on my face. 'What's wrong?' Ron asks. 'This,' I answer pointing at the newspaper.

It took the boys a minute or so to read it, and when they were done they gasped in shock. 'She did not.' Harry says clearly holding back his anger. 'It's not true, right?' Ron asks doubtfully. 'No! Ofcourse not!' I state. He looks relieved, and Harry just keeps looking at his feet for the next minutes.

It's awfully quiet at our table, but not for long. The Weasley twins come barging into the Great Hall and sit down next to me on each side, a mischievous smile across their faces. 'What did you do?' I ask fake annoyed. 'Just you wait,' they said with a wink.

Just as I was about to ask them what they meant, some sort of screen appeared above the table where the teachers are sitting. They all look up confused, and the students don't know what's going on eighter.

Then a video starts playing. Or more like a commercial. It's about shampoo, and proffessor Snape is in the video as the person who tests the shampoo. 'It doesn't work,' video Snape complains. We are all laughing our heads off, until McGonnagal makes the screen go away. Even though I could see the small smirk on her face.

Snape stands up angrily, and he yells: 'Who did this?' The whole hall turned silent. He's really mad... I give the twins worried glances, but they don't seem to be afraid to get caught. Instead, they point up, where another screen had appeared. 'Malfoys prank best,' it said.

I could see Draco getting really nervous. 'It wasn't me proffessor, I swear...' Snape just gave him a death glare. 'I will take 100 points from Slytherin. And you have detention for a month.' Draco looked like he was about to protest, but quickly decided against it. Wise choice.


After my classes today, I decide to check up on Oliver. I wanna know how it's been going with helping madame Hooch. I walk over to the Quidditch field to find some people flying around, because even though there are no Quidditch matches this year, people still like to fly and train for next year.

I search the sky for Oliver, and see the farmiliar guy floating in mid-air. 'Ollie!' I shout. He sees me and smiles, as he gets over to me, not stepping off of his broom. 'Hey Laura!' He says. 'What are you doing here?'

'I wanted to check on you, I missed your accent,' I say with a wink. He smirks, and says: 'Well good to know you missed me. We should hang out some time.' 'Yeah, I totally agree!' I say happily. He suddenly seems a little nervous. 'Would you wanna come ot Hogsmeade with me tomorrow?' I nod. 'I would love to.' He smiles, and after we say goodbye he goes back to his flying, and I notice him doing some loopings because of his exitement.

Just when I thought this day was perfect, something came to mess it up. Or rather someone. I went over to the library, but before I could get there, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into an abandoned classroom. 'What the-?' I turn around and my mood changed immediately.

'What do you want this time Malfoy?' I ask annoyed. But Draco seemed a little restless, like something was bothering him. 'Is it true?' He then asks. I gave him a questioning look. 'About you and Potter,' he tries to sound casual, but fails miserably.

'Why do you even care? It's not like it would affect you in any way,' I say turning around to leave. 'No wait,' he quickly says, causing me to stop walking and turn around. 'You didn't answer the question,' he mumbles looking down at his feet.

'It's not true.' And with that I leave the empty classroom, leaving Draco relieved and stunned.

AN: hey guys! I posted again. Yay! I hope you like it, if you have any suggestions or requests, feel free to comment. Love you all!💞

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