Part 33

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Third person POV

When Harry and Cedric showed up, everyone's first reaction was to cheer. But the cheers soon turned into screams as they saw the lifeless body of Laura Hillcraft lying next to them. Both boys were heartbroken, they wouldn't leave her body. Until, ofcourse, Harry was forcefully dragged away by Professor Moody.

After the truth was revealed, about Barty Crouch Jr. using Polyjuice Potion, everyone blamed the criminal for what happened. Everyone was beyond sad, mostly the boys and the people closest to her. The trio didn't sleep for days. Fred and George barely spoke. These were dark times.

Laura Hillcraft saved Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory. That is how she will be remembered. She'll be remembered as the beautiful, kind and caring person that she was, by everyone in the school. And even Rita Skeeter's readers, who just read about some story (that was not true) about the diseased girl, couldn't help but to feel a hole in their hearts.

The funeral was beautiful. The coffin she laid in was black, carried by Harry and Cedric. There was an unusual amount of people present, showing once again how many people cared about the girl and how many were affected by her death. Hermione and Ginny spoke a few words, Dumbledore and McGonagall as well, but no one else could speak without erupting into tears. Not that they weren't already.

The castle had lost its welcoming aura. Instead, it felt like a sad building made of stone. The person that made the castle home was now gone, and the castle and its students would never be the same.

A few days after the funeral, Neville had found a flower just outside of the castle. It was white, beautiful, and it reminded him of the pure soul that was Laura Hillcraft. When he asked professor Sprout about it, she told him that the flower hadn't been discovered yet. Neville got to name it, so he named it after the one person that made his world brighter: Pure Hill. After Hillcraft.

Harry and Cedric never recovered from the poor girl's death. They were the ones that saw it, maybe even the reason she was dead in the first place, and it would haunt them forever.

People didn't like to talk about it. They thought that if they wouldn't acknowledge her death, maybe it wouldn't be real. Unfortunately, that didn't help either.

She would be missed very dearly, and the only thing left of her was the desire everyone felt. They desired her. That was her legacy.

AN: heyy sweethearts! That's it! the end of this story! oh my god, i wanna thank you all for reading, i really hope you enjoyed. love y'all! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2019 ⏰

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