(2yeon) Lie Detector

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No one's POV


Their staring contest had been going on for almost a minute now, but neither broke it. Nayeon and Jeongyeon sat on the opposite side of each other. On top of the table, there was a lie detector toy Dahyun bought last week.

"Go on, don't be shy, ask me some questions." Jeongyeon sounds cocky and confident, but Nayeon is sure Jeongyeon isn't what she sounds like. Of course Nayeon knows the younger is nervous even though this is just a game.

Who knows what Nayeon could ask her. And the toy is pretty much a liar.

However, Nayeon isn't planning to ask such hard questions. She feels too nice to give the latter a hard time you know. And besides there's just one question she really wanted to ask, "Do you like me?"

Jeongyeon snickered, "No."

"So confident, I like that." That smirk on Nayeon's face really makes Jeongyeon want to explode, it's like as if she's sure Jeongyeon is lying right at this moment, but she's not.

Actually, Jeongyeon is starting to doubt her answer.

"Ah! What the—" the younger quickly pulled her hand away from the toy, damn that hurts. This toy is the liar, not Jeongyeon, "I was telling the truth!"

"This is just a game, Jeong. No need to get butt-hurt and besides, I already know you like me that much," Nayeon smiled, "and I don't mind it at all."

"As if." Jeongyeon scoffed, "I already told you, I wasn't lying."

"Okay, okay if that's what you want then whatever." The older giggles. "Now for the next question,"

Jeongyeon gulped, avoiding Nayeon's eyes. There was that playful look in her eyes that Jeongyeon always hate because it makes her feel things she shouldn't, "Which member do you like the most?"

"Um, Tzuyu." Her answer doesn't feel right for some reason, it just don't match the question. Maybe because it's really not Tzuyu who she likes the most, but it doesn't really matter if she lies, the toy doesn't tell the truth either.

Another yelp escaped Jeongyeon's lips. She doesn't understand why the toy always disagree with her, now she's starting to think that maybe it secretly hates her or maybe Nayeon did something to it so that it'll always say lie.

"Why do you keep lying Jeong? Just be honest, it's not that hard," Nayeon whines. "So who is it? Who do you like the most here?"

Jeongyeon bit her lip, very hesitant to say her answer, but this is just a game. A game that means nothing, "Y-you."

Nayeon grinned widely when the lie detector made a sound instead of electric shocking Jeongyeon, "I totally knew it!"

It became quiet again when Jeongyeon slammed her hands on the table, "It doesn't mean I like-like you!"

"Oh come on, I already assured you, I don't really mind if you do."

"Ugh, I hate you!" Jeongyeon walks out of the kitchen.

"It doesn't change the fact that I still like you even if you don't!"

Someday, Jeongyeon will eventually admit it. Nayeon just have to be patient, "I'll wait for the day you'll tell me you like me back."

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