(Dahmo) Letting go

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Dahyun's POV

I stared at the window. The tears that were threatening to fall, escaped my eyes. It fell slower than the rain from the sky. It was warm unlike the rain but I like none of it. I don't like the rain. I don't like to cry. But I can't stop. The thoughts of you are still fresh in my mind, like it all happened yesterday.

I couldn't hate you...

I couldn't let you go...

I shouldn't have let you go...

I stared at our photo, clenching my fist, sobbing silently. No matter what I do, I still feel you coming back to me when I know that you never will.

"Dahyun-ah..." Someone called. It was familiar. I know whose voice it is. No, not Sana's. It's...

"Momo..." I looked around.

Nothing. No one's here, only me. I run outside, hoping that she's here. I know it's too impossible,it really is, but I don't care. I just want to see her again. Even just for a moment...

I looked up in the sky and let my tears stream down my face together with the rain. "I'm sorry Momo-ya.."

"Shh.. It's not your fault Dahyunie." The wind blew towards me. It's cold but it became warm as if you were hugging me. "Don't open your eyes, Dubu."

I shook my head. "But I want to see you..."

"Dahyun-ah, I know it's hard but Someday we'll understand why I had to leave and for now I need you to set me free"

"I can't.."

"You can. And remember that Someday, we'll meet again In heaven by the rainbow's end" you said. "So before I say goodbye would you do one last thing for me? Be happy."

I felt your lips pressed against my skin. My eyes opened and I did see you but you were slowly fading away into the rain.

"Until we meet again.." You whispered.

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