(Misana) Busy

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No one's POV

Mina is sitting on her beanbag with her laptop on her lap,typing continuously while Sana is on the bed, rolling side to side, whining at Mina.

"Mitang~" Sana whined but the younger girl ignored her. "Can I be your laptop instead? So that I can have all your attention to me?"

"Don't worry I'm almost done." Mina said without even looking at the older girl.

"yeah right, that's what you've said an hour ago." Sana mumbled. "You're so busy with that thing but when will you be busy with me?"

"I was busy with you last night—" and a flying
Slipper hit Mina's face. The penguin was able to dodge the flying thing and just giggled at her blushing girlfriend. "Just kidding. But I promise, I'm almost done."

"Whatever." Sana rolled her eyes and stood up afterwards. The squirrel went to the bathroom to wash her face when she suddenly slipped.

Mina rushed to the bathroom after hearing a loud thud and a yelp from Sana.

The older Japanese was pouting while being carried bridal style by her girlfriend. Mina placed the latter on the bed and immediately took the first aid kit.

"You're clumsy as ever." Mina giggled while treating Sana's wound.

"atleast it got your attention." Sana muttered.

Mina sighed. "I don't want you hurting yourself just to get my attention."

"But I'm already hurting without your attention, so what's the point?"

"I'm sorry." Mina leaned in and kissed Sana's lips.  "I'm done with my project now. You can have all my attention again so stop sulking anymore okay?"

"Anyways what do you want to do?" Mina asked.

"Cuddle with me please~" Sana said in a cute tone wich made Mina smile.

The squirrel pulled the younger on the bed and snuggled her head on the latter's neck. Mina held the older's waist and kissed the top of her head.

"Gosh, you're too cute for my heart to handle." Mina thought.

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