(Dubchaeng) A Solution to Nightmares

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No one's POV

The other members of twice went out to go shopping leaving only Dahyun and Chaeyoung in the dorm.

Chaeyoung is sick and Dahyun volunteered to look after the cub though Chaeyoung doesn't want her to because she wants the older girl to have fun on their rest day but Dahyun can be stubborn sometimes. In the end, Chaeyoung just agreed to it.

Dahyun got bored watching the tv alone so she went to the maknae line's room to check on Chaeyoung who she thought was awake because of all the mumbling sound.

But by the time she was beside the younger's bed,she noticed that the latter's eyes were still closed and there she realized the cub is having a nightmare.

"Awe poor cub." The pale girl muttered.

Dahyun laid on the space beside Chaeyoungand hugged her by the waist. The younger's mumbling stopped and snuggled her head on Dubu's neck.

Thanks to Dahyun, Chaeyoung's nightmare has now disappeared. Dahyun doesn't care if she'll a get sick because of this as long as the cub gets a good sleep.

Few minutes later, the pale girl fell asleep and by that time, Chaeyoung woke up feeling comfortable around Dahyun's embrace.

"When did my bed became so comfortable and smell so nice? Plus this scent...smells like Dahyun-unnie." The cub thought and slowly, she opened her eyes only to see a peaceful sleeping eagle beside her.

"Aish, what a pabo. Doesn't she know, she might get sick because of what's she's doing?" Chaeyoung sighed but right after she stared at the pale girl again, a smile formed her lips.

"You're lucky you're cute so I'll be letting it go just this once."Chaeyoung snuggled her head on the latter's neck again and went back to sleep.

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