(Dahmo) Dubu's revenge

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No one's POV

Momo doesn't know why but everytime Dahyun gets jealous, she looks even more identical to a tofu. Or a dumpling. Especially with her puffy milky cheeks.And Dahyun also gets funnier than she already is.

To be honest, right now, Momo is trying her best to hold back her laughter just to avoid upsetting Dahyun more.

The younger looks like she's ready to blow up, Momo thinks, but she doesn't get why Dahyun continues not saying anything and just stares at her as if she's ready to plot a murder on her.

Momo is getting a little bit worried now as she thinks of it.

"What's up with you two?" Jihyo deadpans, stopping by the living before going to her bedroom to get something.

Neither answered.

Dahyun only side glanced at Jihyo, still standing tall with her arms crossed infront of Momo who's nearly slouching on the couch.

"Are you two fighting as kids or as couples?" Jihyo asked just to know if she should help the two seriously or not, but after seeing Momo's eyes pleadingly while muttering help me, she thought otherwise.

"We're not fighting unnie, you can go on and leave us." Dahyun said, smiling for a second at Jihyo before returning to her blank expression when she faced Momo.

"If you say so." Jihyo shrugs and went to her room. Momo opened her mouth to stop Jihyo, and tried to reach her hand to her but retreats it when she saw Dahyun glare at her.

Momo lowers her head at her failed act, pouting a little as she thinks of something to think of other than how intimidating Dahyun looks when she's quiet, and glaring.

Dahyun should be cute, and fluffy, and flustered when she's jealous, not intimidating and hot, standing all tall infront of her. Momo's heart can't even handle Dahyun being normally cute how much more if she's being like this.

So this concludes, Dahyun is both good and bad for the heart.

"S-stop staring," Momo mutters too quietly for Dahyun to even hear but Momo doesn't know. And Dahyun leans way too close and way too suddenly, making Momo hitch her breath.


"I—no, the..the—you, wait— I..I mean," Momo sighs, mind turned blank, cheeks all heated up, and heart thumping crazily.

Dahyun creased her eyebrows after putting back the gap between her and Momo. Shaking her lightly, she turns around and took a step but Momo held the hem of her shirt, asking her not to leave, "Don't,"

She tilts her head to Momo whose eyes are looking at the side with her head slightly lowered down, "Don't leave while you're still upset with me."

"I don't know what I did wrong, I'm sorry. But you have to tell me what it is instead of staying quiet like this. I don't want to repeat things that can make you like this, you know." Momo continued, finally letting her eyes meet Dahyun's.

Dahyun continues to look at her for a while, eyebrows barely touching each other, "You don't really know?"

Momo shakes her head timidly. Dahyun walks back to her.

"What should I do to you then?" Placing a finger under Momo's chin, Dahyun gently made the older look up to her. And there was a faint smirk on Dahyun's lips that Momo can't decipher.

Momo gulps thickly, her heart rate increasing again as Dahyun moves her head closer to Momo, "I..I don't know."

Her eyes were stuck on Dahyun's lips but forced herself to look at Dahyun's eyes instead because Momo isn't sure if she can prevent herself from kissing Dahyun.

"Dahyun.." Momo breathed as Dahyun gets closer and closer, almost closing her eyes from the thought of getting a kiss from Dahyun.

However, instead of having a pair of soft lips placed against her own, Momo felt Dahyun's fingers. She opened immediately opened her eyes only to see a laughing Dahyun. She puffed her cheeks out of embarrassment and a little bit of disappointment.

"How does it feel getting a taste of your own medicine? Huh, Moguri?" Dahyun teased, still giggling at what she did.

"Not good." Momo looks away and folded her arms, "So you acted like that just to get your revenge huh? Smart one, Dahyun-ssi."

"Aw don't call me that. It sounds too weird." the older was still pouting even after Dahyun cups her cheeks and gave a peck on her nose.

"Give me a kiss first then I'll stop calling you that."

"Tsk. No. I didn't get any when you were the one who—"

"Aw come on~" Momo whined.

Dahyun shakes her head, "Still no."

Momo was ready to argue over the kiss when someone suddenly arrived with the sound of a can opening, "Disgusting." Tzuyu says before gulping down her soda. "Plainly Disgusting."

Then Tzuyu left.

Momo and Dahyun looked dumbfounded.

"She's so bitter." Says Momo.

"We need to give her a candy." Dahyun suggested.

"Totally. Let's go fetch Satang."

The two nodded their heads at each other.

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