(J-line x Maknae line) Girlfriends in trouble

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No one's POV

Tzuyu's phone started to ring and it was no other than her girlfriend, Sana. "Yeoboseyo?" Tzuyu answered calmly which is the opposite of how the caller sounded like.

"What's taking you so long~" Sana whined, on the other side of the phone half annoyed because she and Dubchaeng had been waiting for half an hour for them.

"It's our turn now." Tzuyu said with a softer tone to calm the latter down before ending the call to choose what flavors they should buy.

They waited for few minutes for their orders to be served and within those few minutes, the cashier tried to flirt with them but they immediately cutted him off by calling their girlfriends and told them how much they love them.

Momo didn't know what came into to her mind to put her call in loud speaker. The cashier just lowered his head out of embarrassment and by the time the girls got their orders and exited the store, the cashier smacked his head on the wall lightly multiple times.

MiMoTzu were laughing and joking around while walking back to where their girlfriends are sitting when suddenly a beautiful girl tripped infront of them. The three gasped and didn't hesitate to help the girl up.

Sana, Chaeyoung and Dahyun were there when the girl tripped. They crossed their arms as they watched the girl shake their girlfriend's hands but they didn't expect her to kiss them on the cheeks and escape faster than the lightning.

Mina's eyes widen after she saw Chaeyoung glaring at her."Oh shi—" Tzuyu cutted off the penguin's sentence.

"They're gonna *gulp* kill us." Tzuyu said and the two Japanese on both of her side, nodded in agreement.

"Should we, uh, should we run now?" Momo stammered when she noticed their girlfriends started to walk towards them.

"That's a bad idea Momoring.Tigers are fast." Mina stated referring to Chaeyoung

"Ah, r-right. Eagles t-too."  Momo stuttered.

"But snakes aren't." Tzuyu smirked. Both Mina and Momo turned their heads at her with a puzzled look. But it's too late now. They're already infront of them.

"J-jagiya—" Mina stuttered, trying to act like nothing happened at all.

"Shut up." Chaeyoung snapped causing Mina to stand at attention.

"Bab—" Tzuyu tried to do the same thing as what Mina did but also failed.

"You too Chou." Sana glared even more making Tzuyu gulped.

Momo opened her mouth, ready to say something but Dahyun raised her palm infront of the older, stopping her from saying anything. "Don't even try to."

"You three seem to be happy after getting a kiss from a stranger." Sana said sarcastically and the three immediately shook their heads violently while waving their hands 'no' infront.

"We've got a lot of talking to do, you penguin." Chaeyoung said before walking away. Mina was hesitant to follow. She turn to look at Tzuyu and Momo for help but the other two are looking straight at their girlfriends. Mina sighed and run after her cub.

"I-I think C-Chaeyeong wants t-to talk to me t-too." Tzuyu pointed to where the first couple went.

"Stop making excuses and come with me." Sana walked first but when she noticed the taller girl didn't take a step yet so she turned to her. "Now." The squirrel demanded which the younger followed immediately.

"A-are we going s-somewhere too?" Momo stuttered as she asked the question.

"No. We'll talk here."

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