(Mitzu) Penguin

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No one's POV

Don't focus on her, focus on Chaeyoung.

That's what Mina had been repeating to herself ever since the fansign started. Distracting herself with the smol cub should be enough. It should be but she just can't avoid taking glances at Tzuyu's direction.

It's annoying.

Sana is too close to Tzuyu. Hands wrapped around the younger's waist with their faces close to each other. Mina couldn't help but to frown while watching Sana attack Tzuyu with her kisses. Mina wants to separate the two of them and—

"Unnie, have mercy on the plastic bottle." Chaeyoung said. Mina almost forgot, Chaeyoung is right beside her, she should really stop getting distracted by what Tzuyu and Sana are doing right now.

She then gave the younger a questioning look and Chaeyoung pointed at the deformed plastic bottle on Mina's hand as an answer. Mina slightly blushed, embarrassed about what just happened. Chaeyoung finds it cute and she admits, she does have a little crush on the penguin.

"Unnie.." Chaeyoung called when she noticed Mina's attention is somewhere else again. Mina's eyes looks like it could kill someone. The way Mina glares at Nayeon and Sana for snaking on Tzuyu gave shivers down to  Chaeyoung's spine.

Mina is scary when she's jealous. She sure is. And Chaeyoung have no idea what game Nayeon and Sana are playing for them to have guts to flirt with Tzuyu. "You're not actually planning to kill them right, unnie?" Chaeyoung asked, waving her hand in front of Mina.

"Ehh? What are you talking abo—"

Mina's sentence was cutted off when
Jeongyeon suddenly came out of nowhere and started teasing her. "Someone's jelly and her name is Minari~"

"I am not." Mina retorted sternly. "And why would I? It's not like Tzuyu and I are together or anything." She sighed.

"That's why you should already make a move, Minari or else one of us might steal—yah Chaeyoung!" Jeongyeon glared at the cub who bravely pinched her on the side.

Chaeyoung had to do that because she was sure that Mina was being surrounded by a dark aura after Jeongyeon mentioned stealing Tzuyu from Mina.

Jeongyeon was about to ask Chaeyoung why she did that but Mina didn't let her and she immediately shut her mouth right after seeing Mina glare at her. "Don't you dare." Mina hissed before walking away to talk with Once.

Both Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung were amazed at how fast Mina was able to change from a scary and glaring penguin to a bubbly and smiling one "How did she—oh nevermind." They both shrugged then went to do other things.

Few minutes later, the fansign event ended and Twice bid their goodbyes to Once. They all left with a smiling face except for Mina who has a gloomy expression as they exited the building.

And that was all because she saw Momo clinging on Tzuyu's arm like a tarsier. Mina's mood easily changes especially if it has something to do with Tzuyu in it.

By the time Mina stepped out of the building, she remembered that she and Tzuyu will be in the same van with Jihyo and Dahyun while the other members will be on the second van and it was enough to cause her mood to brighten up.

Unluckily, her plan of sitting beside Tzuyu was a fail because by the time she got in the car, Jihyo was already sitting next to Tzuyu. Mina literally wants to explode right now and that's too impossible to happen that's why just let out a sigh of annoyance before sitting behind the two with Dahyun next to her.

In the middle of their ride, Tzuyu suddenly started laughing and squirming on her sit while Jihyo tickles her on her tickle spot. "U-unnie, sto-stop, that-that really t-tickles" Tzuyu said in between her laughs.

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