(Samo) Thoughts about you

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No one's POV

Sana, who is wandering inside Twice's dorm, went to the kitchen where Jeongyeon is peacefully eating. She thought Momo would be here since Momo does Hangout with foods a lot.

"Jeongyeon-unnie, have you seen Momoring?"

"Yeah, she's inside the bedroom."

"oh okay, thanks." Then Sana went to Jeongmo's bedroom.

She doesn't really know why she's looking for Momo. Maybe she just missed the older's presence even though they were together just an hour ago.

"Momoring~" The squirrel called as she closed the door.

She didn't know that Momo was changing her clothes and by the time Sana noticed that, she frozed with her body leaning against the door and eyes wondering around the latter's body.

Momo is still in the act of wearing her upper shirt that's why Sana was able to see her abs. The younger's heartbeat starts to raise, face suddenly becoming hotter while she unconsciously bit her lower lip as she thought of doing things to Momo.

From kissing the older's lips hungrily to pinning her on the bed while sucking the latter's neck until it turns red; hands wandering around her body. Damn, Sana is really having thoughts about Momo, dirty thoughts to be exact.

"Having thoughts about me?" Momo hummed then smirked as she asked the question to Sana in a seductive tone.

Momo slowly walked towards the younger and placed one hand on the door beside the latter's head and the other hand was on the doorknob to lock it.

"I-It's not—" Sana mentally smacked her self for stuttering.

"Don't lie to me Satang, mommy knows you're a good girl." Momo wispehered on her ear that sent shivers down to her spine.Sana swears that the sentence sounds so familiar.

"Or perhaps you wanted to be punished for telling a lie and... For being a bad girl." Momo added caressing the latter's face.

Sana gulped at the Raccoon's words. She thought she would be the dominant one but she thought wrong and seeing Momo like this, turns her on.

"Having thoughts about me again? How about we turn those thoughts into reality?" Momo smirked again.

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