(Michaeng) Kiss

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No one's POV

"What's wrong my little cub?" Mina asked Chaeyoung who's been staring at her phone for quite a long time now.

Mina sat on the opposite side of the table, facing Chaeyoung. "Nothing.. it's nothing." Chaeng said as she looked away from Mina's gaze.

Mina leaned over a little so that she could reach Chaeyoung from the other side to caressed her cheeks. "Please be honest, I know it's not just nothing."

Chaeyoung is really in love with Mina's voice, so soft, so soothing. "She really is an angel." Chaengie thought before muttering a quiet "fine."

"I miss you." The cub said, looking directly into the older's eyes.

"And?" Mina asked, having the feeling that her girlfriend have something more that she didn't say.

"I'm jealous.." the cub said with a bit of hesitation. "You've been kissing the members a lot lately and they've been kissing you a lot too."

"Is that the reason why you're so sad?" Mina asked and went over to the younger.

Chaeyoung didn't answer Mina's question, too embarrassed that she's been acting like this for the whole day just because of a kiss. Mina held Chaeyoung's face and connected their foreheads together.

"Do you want me to kiss you?" Mina asked and
Chaeng nodded lightly. The penguin leaned in slowly, pressing their lips together.

It's not their first time kissing each other but the way Mina kiss her just make her feel butterflies in her tummy.

As soon as Mina broke the kiss, Chaeng's lips curled into a smile. She's so happy knowing that she's the only one who Mina would give a kiss like that, she's Mina's one and only cub after all.

"You're so pretty when you smile." Mina tapped the latter's nose. "Should I give you a lot of kisses just so that I could see you smile everyday?"

"Yes you should." Chaeyoung giggled.

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