(Datzu) chocolate

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No one's POV

Flipping through a recipe book and scrolling up and down through her phone for any how to make a chocolate on YouTube, with the ingredients scattered on the table and apron on. She started mixing and baking it with all her heart but she was frustrated when the first one she made wasn't good at all and by that, it means it taste horrible.

She almost threw the spatula but good thing she was able to calm down when an image of the person she likes showed up in her mind. Tzuyu is not the most patient person and everyone knows that  but if it means being patient for her then will. She could do anything for her Dahyun.

Momo, Tzuyu's cousin who just arrived at the Chou's house immediately went to the kitchen not knowing that the yoda is there. She never really thought the younger would even go in the kitchen when she's known to be the person who would always stay and lie on the bed all day long with her phone.

And what shocked Momo the most is that Chou Tzuyu, the person who doesn't like to eat chocolates or any sweets in particular, is making one. "Wah~" Momo cooed at the chocolate on the table and quickly steal one before Tzuyu could slap her hand away the plate.

Momo's happy face turned into a disgust expression after taking a big bite on the chocolate, placing the rest of it back to where she took it and spit the ones she ate. "The heck Tzu? Why doesn't it taste like chocolate at all?" The raccoon complained, gargling her mouth multiple times just to remove the bitter taste out.

"Stop complaining, unnie. It's my first time making these kind of stuffs and aren't dark chocolates bitter?" Tzuyu retorted at the older girl while waiting for the other chocolates to be done.

"It was too bitter." Momo rolled her eyes at Tzuyu. "And as far as I know, Dahyun likes milk chocolate."

Tzuyu stayed silent as if she didn't hear a word came out from the raccoon and totally ignored her because she knows if she would answer back, the older would just tease her more.

By the time Momo found out that Tzuyu and Dahyun were finally together, she won't stop teasing the two but there's actually a real reason why she kept teasing the two, it's to get the attention of a certain smol cub.

"And Tzu, bring me with you—" Momo stated but the younger cutted her off by saying 'no' faster than a lighting.

"Pretty please~" Momo pleaded at Tzuyu several times until the yoda would say yes. Well, Tzuyu eventually gave up and just let the older what she wants.

Tomorrow came and Tzuyu started to pack her things for school and of course she wouldn't forget the chocolates she made before leaving the house. The yoda almost had a heart attack after seeing Momo's face right in front of the door.

"Unnie! Don't do that! I almost died because of your face!" Tzuyu placed a hand on her chest while Momo just giggled at her then drag her out of the house so that they could already go to Dahyun's school.Dahyun and Tzuyu were childhood friends but  sadly they don't study at the same school.

Students started to squeal and whisper around by the time Tzuyu and Momo stepped inside the school. Yes they don't study there but the two are really famous from all the awards they received on the competitions they participated on that's why almost every school knows them.

Tzuyu chose to ignore her fans and not entertain them since they're not really the reason why they're here anyways. Momo on the other hand just waved at them, showing them that she appreciated those people who likes her.

Few meters from Dahyun's classroom and Tzuyu surely can't wait to see her and give her the chocolates.Tzuyu's Imagination of  Dahyun's cute reaction caused the yoda to smile but it was soon replaced by a shocked face when a random girl came out of nowhere and kissed Tzuyu right on the lips then immediately run away.

Tzuyu's eyes widen after she saw Dahyun looking at her with unreadable blank expression and walked away. The yoda run after Dahyun, forgetting about her cousin. Momo didn't even mind being left by the younger when she saw Chaeyoung came out of the room.

Tzuyu followed Dahyun until they reached the school's soccer field that is filled by few students. "Dubu-ya! Let me explain." Tzuyu called which made Dahyun stop her tracks and face the taller girl.

"No. You don't need to explain. You didn't do anything wrong." Dahyun sighed as she tried to calm herself down. "It's just that...I need to process what happened earlier and stop myself from killing whoever the heck kissed you."

Tzuyu chuckled and pulled Dahyun into a kiss before hugging her tightly. She was relieved to know that her girlfriend isn't angry at her. "Sorry. I was just too distracted earlier that I didn't sense someone was planning to do that to me."

Dahyun grew curious on what could have caused Tzuyu to be so distracted a while ago and she couldn't stop herself from thinking that the younger was distracted because of someone.

"Tell me, who caused your distraction earlier?" Dahyun asked.

"You." Tzuyu whispered and it was too sexy for Dahyun. It even made her choke on her own saliva. "Oh and before I'll leave, I have something to give you."

Tzuyu handed Dahyun a box of chocolate with her heart beating fast. She's nervous but she doesn't even know why. She doesn't know why she's nervous just by giving the pale girl the chocolates she made. Maybe because she's scared that the older won't like it or something.But Tzuyu doesn't know that everything even little thing she do and give Dahyun, the older likes it.

"Did you made this all by yourself?" Dahyun asked, taking a bite at the chocolate. Tzuyu nodded and her cheeks turned faded pink when the latter's face lit up.

"You like it?"

"Of course I do!." Dahyun exclaimed. "But if you keep doing such sweet things to me... I might fall for you even more~"

"Don't worry, because I will always catch you." Tzuyu said and cupped Dahyuns cheeks.

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