(Michaeng) Dare

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No one's POV

Laughter and giggles circulated inside the maknae line's room, waiting for the spinning bottle to pick the next person to be asked of truth or dare. "Chaeyoung!" Dahyun squealed as soon as the bottle pointed at the cub.

"Truth!" Chaeyoung answered quickly, not waiting for Tzuyu to ask her which of the two she would pick. The yoda cutely frowned at the smaller girl for cutting her sentence off. Tzuyu finds it annoying but whatever.

"Nooo~" Dahyun shook her head 'no' at Chaeyoung. They don't want her to pick Truth again cause the cub had been playing safe by always picking Truth everytime it's her turn. Well not really safe cause Dahyun and Tzuyu, mostly Tzuyu, had been roasting her and now, they want her to do a dare.

"Stop being a coward, smol bean." Tzuyu stated. Chaeyoung glared at the yoda for calling her a 'coward' and 'smol bean'.

"I'm not a coward—"

"Then do a dare." The yoda retorted nonchalantly.

Chaeyoung hesitated at first, especially knowing that these two are good at giving dares. Oh, she wouldn't really want to recall the last time she was given a dare by these two, it was horrible.

Chaeyoung opened her mouth and closed it again before pouting her lips and muttering a short half-hearted "fine." She became curious when Tzuyu whispered something to Dahyun's ear but she knows she would eventually find out what it is because she's sure that they were whispering about her dare.

Dahyun giggled and nodded at Tzuyu's plan. Those looks in their eyes made Chaeyoung want want to back out and say no but this cub could be a little prideful sometimes.

"Come on, stop giggling and just tell me your dare. I want to have my revenge." Chaeyoung sounded brave but she's really nervous inside. She knows these two could be a little mean to her sometimes especially seeing those smirks on their faces, she knows they're really up to something.

"This one is easy." Dahyun smiled.

Chaeyoung hopes it true.

"Kiss Mina-unnie." Tzuyu stated bluntly.

"W-what?" Chaeyoung almost choked from her own saliva. They're just kidding right? Right? Chaeyoung could feel her cheeks heat up from the thought of doing the dare.

Out of all the members, why Mina? Why does it have to be the penguin? She could easily kiss any member but not the penguin, knowing she have growing feelings for the Japanese. She doesn't know how Mina would even react to it.

Damn these two.

"On the lips to be exact." Dahyun added and it didn't help to reduce Chaeyoung's blushing cheeks.

"Why aren't you moving Chaeyoung-ah? I thought you wanted to end your dare already?" Tzuyu smirked.

Chaeyoung gulped before standing up from the floor and exited the room. She was surprised to see Mina in the living room, especially knowing the older usually prefer to stay inside her shared room. The cub took  a deep sigh, trying to calm her heart down as she slowly made her way to the older girl.

Mina was too focused on her phone, concentrating not to loose causing her not to notice the cub walking to her. Chaeyoung stopped her tracks half of way to her and looked back at Tzuyu and Dahyun, only to see them giggling while shooing her away.

Chaeyoung took the courage to tap Mina's shoulder and quickly place a peck on the latter's lips. Their faces were still close with Chaeyoung's hands on the back of the sofa for support, looking into the older's eyes, Chaeyoung felt like she got casted by a spell for she can't move and got trapped into Mina's eyes.

"C-Chaeyeong..." Mina called, making Chaeyoung to snap back to reality. The younger realized what happened and blushed furiously at it, she and Mina were. Chaeyoung tried to run away but the penguin was fast enough to grab her wrist and stopped her from leaving.

"Stay." Mina said and the latter did as what she was told. The Japanese gestured the cub to sit on her lap. Chaeyoung was embarrassed but did it anyways, she doesn't really know how to say no to Mina. Both of them doesn't know how.

Chaeyoung sat on Mina's lap with her back facing the older. Mina wrapped her arms around Chaeyoung's waist, resting her head on Chaeyoung's shoulder and continued playing her game while the younger watched.

"Why..." Mina's warm breath hit Chaeyoung's ear, making the younger to shiver. "Why did you kiss me?"

"D-dare—" Chaeyoung's voice cracked, causing Mina to giggle a little. "I-I mean, it's a dare Dahyun-unnie and Tzuyu gave me. That's the reason why I k-kissed you."

" a dare.." Mina mumbled, kind of disappointed. She made Chaeyoung turn to her and straddle on her lap. "Do it again." The older diverted her eyes on the side, embarrassed of what she just told the cub. She doesn't know what's gotten into to her for making the younger stay, talk about the kiss and ask her to do it again.

"Chaeyoung-ah... I like you. And if you kiss me again..then that means you feel the same way too." Mina closed her eyes, waiting for the answer.

Chaeyoung leaned in slowly and kissed Mina. The penguin smiled and pulled Chaeyoung into a hug, snuggling her head to the younger's neck. It's tickling, Mina's warm breath that hits Chaeyoung's neck everytime she exhales. Chaeyoung couldn't stop  giggling at it.

"Unnie, it tickles~" the cub said in between her giggles but Mina didn't stop. The older loves hearing her giggles. It's cute and it always makes her heart flutter.

While Mina and Chaeyoung being a new lovely couple, the two remaining maknaes sweat dropped at them.

"Looks like the cub had forgotten about us." Dahyun stated and just went back to her phone. They ended the game a little while ago since it'll be boring if only two players will play the game.Tzuyu on the other hand took multiple photos of the couple, lowkey fangirling at her ship before leaving the two alone to have their moment.

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