(Dahmo) Rain

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Dahyun's POV

It's raining again. Just lightly. It was satisfying to watch the raindrops slowly run down the glass of my window. I used to love it. The rain, it was so calm and relaxing. But It holds so much memories about you.

Memories about how you and I met under one same umbrella while the light rain sprinkled around us. It was raining lightly when we first met. We were total strangers but you walked to me and held an umbrella above me and I just looked at you blankly. You were smiling and I was not.

"Hirai Momo." You smiled and that wasn't the last time I saw it.

Unexpectedly, we met again..and again. Sometimes it would be a bright sunny day and sometimes not. I never planned to but I suddenly fell for you...Maybe it was because I was longing for someone to care for me, to love me. And maybe it was wrong that I found that in you because you completely destroyed me in just one shot.

I never thought that you, the person who build me back up would also be the person to break me down.

It was raining when you left. The only difference was that it rained hard and there was no one to protect me from it, no smile to warm me up, no you to hold me tight. You just left with no goodbye.

I used to love the rain like how I used to love you and it's sad cause I could never hate you like how I hate the rain now.

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