(Misana) Thunder

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No one's POV

Roaring of thunders and striking of lightnings left Sana trembling under her cotton like blanket. All the other three, Nayeon, Jihyo and Mina were already in their deep slumber, totally unbothered by the storm going on outside.

Sana hates thunders, and damn she despises it so much, she wishes one of the members inside their shared room was awake to hold her just till the sky would calm down.

But she shrugged the thought off, thinking it was selfish to wish something like that; to bother the members just to comfort her coward ass—

Another thunder banged from the heaven. And Sana failed to hold back her squeak while clutching her stuffed bear way too tightly.

The bear must be suffocating from her grip the way she slowly suffocates under her sheets, she thought for a while.

Mina woke from the sound of the pitter-patter of  the rain bought to the window, and angry roars of the thunders. However, instead of getting annoyed by the noise, Mina felt cozy and comfortable and—


She bolts up from her bed at the thought of Sana. She knows Sana hates thunders and how easily Sana becomes shaky just by hearing it.

And Mina can't stand the thought of Sana being scared and vulnerable, and having tears visible in her eyes.

Ditching away her cozy bed, Mina bought her penguin plushy and walked quietly to Sana's own bed.

She stands on the side of the bed and calls Sana's name softly, "Satang.."

Sana peeks outside her blanket and there she saw a silhouette of a sleepy penguin, waiting for her response, "Mitang?"

"Can I sleep on your bed?"


"I find my bed not comfortable enough to sleep in." Mina reasons, already inserting herself in Sana's blanket. "You'll allow me to sleep with you, right?"

Mina wasn't really asking for permission, Sana knows. In fact the pretty penguin was already lying down comfortably in her bed with her arms snaking Sana's waist just to bring the older closer.

"You're always welcome in my bed, Mitang." Mina smells nice was the first to come in Sana's mind, and it was very calming, she admits, and it almost made her forgot about her fear. Almost.

She hopes Mina is fine with her snuggling her head to Mina's neck, and doesn't feel too bothered at the way she breathes through her mouth. (Sana can't breathe through her nose at the moment, and she's still shaking)

"Are you still scared Satang?" Mina whispers contrasting the loudness outside but enough
for Sana to hear.

A tiny whimper came out of Sana's lips after hearing the thunder; unintentionally scooting even more to Mina. Sana didn't have to answer the question because it was already obvious that she is, and Mina thinks her question was stupid.

"I wonder why you didn't come to my bed the moment the thunders started battling. Were you still trying to act tough,hm, squirrel?"

Silence. Sana buries her warm face to Mina's chest, embarrassed that Mina was indeed right. Acting tough and brave was hers and Momo's little competition after their silly argument.

Neither of the two wanted to accept defeat so they continued even though no one's watching. They stayed true to their words. However, right now, it looks like Sana already loss and—

"Don't worry, I won't tell Momo anything."

Sana looks up at Mina, a smile creeping up on her face, "Really? Thank y—"

"Only on one condition, that is."

It was unlikely of Mina to want something in return but Sana didn't question it. She couldn't anyway. The thunder is too distracting, as well as Mina's soft yet husky voice that gives shivers down to her spine every once in a while.

"W-what?" Sana doesn't know what with the stuttering. She thinks It's probably not because she's still scared at hearing the anger of the sky, she thinks.

But it's probably because of how close their faces are, and how Mina's breath hits her face while Mina's fingers trails up and down on her waist.

It was dark however, and Sana's thankful for it  because it hides her reddened face, perfectly.

"Kiss me."

Sana was surely taken a back at Mina's request. Never in a million years had she thought of Mina being bold enough to ask such thing, especially knowing the younger is pretty much a reserved person.


Mina hums in response.

"But Nayeon-unnie and Jihyo are here." Sana says quietly. She's being out of character, she knows. But so is Mina. It's as if like their personalities just changed. Sana thinks it's the rain's fault. (it's not)

"Only a kiss. We're not going to do anything other than that." Mina reassured, half giggling at Sana.

"But..but we're just friends, and friends don't kiss each other.." She lessen her grasp from Mina, thinking she doesn't need to hold onto her too tight now since the rain already calmed down while the thunders went away.

Just friends. Mina laughs lowly, heart feeling like being bitten by some itsy bitsy ants. Sana slowly retreats her hand from Mina's hips but Mina placed it back there again, "Don't take my words seriously Satang, I'm just prolly sleep talking."

"Silly penguin." Sana said. "You never talk in your sleep."

"And you never refuse a kiss."

It took Sana seconds before replying. "Maybe we're inside a dream where we exchanged personalities unknowingly. Cause I remember, you were never this eager to get a kiss." Sana laughed. "If I kiss you, we might wake up from this dream."

"Is that a threat?"

"It could be." Sana said, tucking a strand of Mina's hair behind her ear, "So, do you still want a kiss."

"No. I only want it if you want it too." Said Mina. "Let's just go to sleep, we still have to wake up early tomorrow."

Before completely drifting to sleep, Mina reminded Sana about something, "If something frightens you again, don't hesitate to run by my side. Satang, that's what you told me when I was the one who's scared, and I want you to do the same, okay?"

"Even the stupidest thing I could get scared of?" Sana asked.

"Yes, Satang. Even that. Goodnight." I love you.

"Good night to you too. Sleep well, Mitang." I love you.

If this a dream, then I must really suck because even here, I'm still a coward. Sana thought as she close her eyes and going to sleep.

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